Studies in Human Capital

Studies in Human Capital
Author: Jacob Mincer
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Total Pages: 456
Release: 1993-01-01
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 9781782541554

'The books should. . . . be bought by every university library. The research reported here is important, the exposition is lucid, the sequencing of chapters is sensible and the retrospective aspect of the volumes provides a fascinating insight into the working methods of one of the great economists of our time.' - Geraint Johnes, International Journal of Manpower Studies in Human Capital, the first volume of Jacob Mincer's essays to be published in this series, assesses the impact of education and job training on wage growth. It offers an authoritative study of the effects of human capital investments on labor turnover and the impact of technological change on human capital formation.

Empirical Essays on Human Capital

Empirical Essays on Human Capital
Author: Nagham Sayour
Total Pages:
Release: 2016

"This thesis is comprised of three empirical essays on the theme of human capital. The essays use natural and laboratory experiments to study the determinants, returns and components of human capital. We first consider the determinants of human capital by studying the effects of maternal care as a determinant of children's human capital. Then we investigate the returns to human capital by studying the effects of immigration policies on immigrants' characteristics and labour market outcomes. Lastly, we examine specific components of human capital through an experiment on non-cognitive skills and preferences. The first essay estimates the causal impact of maternal care on the developmental outcomes of children aged 2-3 years using a parental leave reform implemented in Canada at the end of 2000 as an exogenous variation to maternal care. The reform increased the time mothers spend with their newborns by 3 months without affecting their income net of taxes, transfers and child care costs. Using the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, we employ a difference-in-differences methodology to compare children with a sibling born after the reform to those with a sibling born before the reform, relative to children of the same birth cohorts who did not have a younger sibling in the period surrounding the reform. We find that treated children enjoy a 16 percent increase in the time they spend with their mothers, with maternal care crowding out informal care. The increase in maternal care does not translate into better cognitive, non-cognitive or health outcomes in the short-run or the medium-run. The second essay uses a natural experiment to study the effects of a change in the point system, a system that selects immigrants based on specific observable characteristics, on immigrants' characteristics and labor market outcomes. Specifically, in 2001, Quebec changed its point system, by increasing the points for education and French language and decreasing the points for a subjective category "adaptability". The objective of the reform was to increase the number of French-speaking immigrants without deteriorating their labor market performance. Using a difference-in-differences and triple differences methodology, we show that, compared to immigrants to the Rest of Canada, immigrants to Quebec after the reform hold more bachelor's degrees and know more French than immigrants to Quebec before the reform. However, this does not translate into better labor market outcomes. This essay shows how point systems can be used to shape the immigrant workforce according to policy goals. Non-cognitive skills are a recently incorporated component of human capital in the economics literature. In the third essay, we contribute to this literature through a laboratory experiment on personality traits and risk and ambiguity preferences. We also study the effects of personality traits prevalence in a group on the decision making of each group member. In the experiment, subjects reveal their risk and ambiguity preferences through lottery choices. They then participate in an unstructured group chat. Afterwards, they are given the chance to revise their initial lottery choices. Results show that personality traits affect risk and ambiguity preferences before the chat. Specifically, conscientiousness is negatively related to risk and ambiguity aversion and agreeableness is negatively related to ambiguity aversion. We also show that the probability of changing decisions after the chat is affected by the individual's non-cognitive traits but not by the traits of the other group members." --

Essays on Natural Resources, Human Capital and Health

Essays on Natural Resources, Human Capital and Health
Author: Alina Kovalenko
Total Pages: 248
Release: 2020

This dissertation examines the role of natural resource booms in human capital investment decisions, labor market outcomes and public health. The first chapter examines the role of local economic conditions in human capital accumulation decisions. To study this question, I exploit geographic and temporal variation in the recent fracking oil and gas boom, which improved labor market opportunities for young men and women. Using administrative panel data on the universe of students attending public schools in Texas, I find that exposure to the fracking boom during high school led to higher absence and grade retention rates, and lower rates of high school graduation. When I link students to their administrative employment records, I show that students in areas affected by the boom are more likely to be employed and have higher earnings while in high school, with effects concentrated in the food and retail sectors. I also show that both educational and labor market effects are largest for students in the bottom of the ability distribution. My results suggest that opportunity cost of schooling plays an important role in students' decisions in the short run. The second chapter builds upon the first by considering long-term effects of the fracking boom. I follow up on the same cohorts of high school students and examine their later-life outcomes as they transition into post-secondary education and the labor market. Using administrative college records, I find that the fracking boom is associated with decreased college enrollment. This decrease is almost entirely driven by enrollment in community colleges, suggesting that it is affecting students who were on the margin between not going to college and obtaining an associate's degree. Finally, administrative records on individuals' employment and earnings allow me to follow students' outcomes until their late twenties. I show that affected students experience increases in employment and earnings that persist for at least six years past expected high school graduation, implying that reduced educational attainment for these individuals may represent a rational response to improved outside options. Taken together, my results suggest that natural resource booms may improve individuals' short- and long-run economic outcomes even when they lead to lower educational investment. The third chapter analyzes how rapid economic development in the context of the fracking boom can have negative impacts on public health. Using recent economic shocks associated with localized fracking booms, this paper documents one such externality -- increased incidence of sexually transmitted diseases. I exploit plausibly exogenous geographic distribution of shale deposits and temporal expansion of the drilling activity in the Marcellus region. Using detailed county-level data from 2002-2016, I find that counties with fracking exposure are associated with an increase in the incidence of gonorrhea infection. These results suggest the importance of public health concerns associated with the changing demographic composition of the local population and specific occupational conditions in the fracking industry

Human Capital and Economic Growth

Human Capital and Economic Growth
Author: Alberto Bucci
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 384
Release: 2019-11-26
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 3030215997

This edited collection explores the links between human capital (both in the form of health and in the form of education), demographic change, and economic growth. Using empirical as well as theoretical perspectives, the authors investigate several important issues in the context of human capital, namely population ageing, inequality, public policy, and long-term economic development. Ultimately, they demonstrate that the accumulation of human capital is of crucial importance to long-run economic growth.

Essays on the Labor Market, Human Capital, and Economic Growth

Essays on the Labor Market, Human Capital, and Economic Growth
Author: Jingnan Liu (Ph.D.)
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2024

The first chapter studies how endogenous worker mobility affects inter-firm knowledge diffusion, innovation, and economic growth. I propose a framework combining endogenous growth and on-the-job search. Firms grow knowledge by in-house innovation and by hiring workers from more productive firms. Knowledge is nonrival, leading to underinvestment in innovation. Non-compete contracts address this underinvestment by allowing innovating firms to enforce buyout payments when they lose workers. However, they discourage diffusion by deterring firm entry. Linking patent records to matched employer-employee administrative data at the U.S. Census Bureau, I document that inventors diffuse knowledge across firms and are compensated for knowledge diffusion. Constructing novel microdata, I find non-compete contracts are associated with increased innovation expenditure and decreased worker mobility. I calibrate my theoretical model to match the empirical results. Knowledge diffusion, through the channel of worker mobility, accounts for 4% of the aggregate growth rate and 9% of welfare. Optimal regulation of non-compete contracts balances the innovation-diffusion tradeoff. The second chapter (joint with Martin Ganco, Haifeng Wang and Shotaro Yamaguchi) studies the strategic use of non-compete agreements. Extant work in strategic management has focused on the role of noncompete agreements (NCAs) - a form of restrictive legal lever used by firms when managing human capital - and conceptualized them as being advantageous to firms. Challenging this notion, we highlight a novel downside of using NCAs and show how their use by some firms creates differentiation opportunities for rival firms. We analyze a unique survey dataset to examine the heterogeneity in the firms' actual use of NCAs conditional on industry and state. We find that the nonuse of NCAs is more common among firms that rely more heavily on talent and are also not the industry leaders, and such firms are more likely not to use NCAs with the goal of attracting skilled employees. The third chapter develops a structural model of pre-college educational investment in college admission tournaments. Students are heterogeneous in ability, family wealth, and preferences for colleges and can purchase tutoring services to improve their human capital and test scores. They also face borrowing constraints. The score distribution, admission thresholds, and college assignment are joint equilibrium outcomes. The model is estimated with Korean ELS: 2005 data and can be used to study Korea's tutoring market with a wide range of policy candidates, including taxing private tutoring and reducing noise in admission. A tax lowers the overall spending on tutoring. The students from middle-income families are most responsive to the price change. Reduced signal noise incentivizes the tutoring expenditure of high-ability students and improves their chances of attending prestigious colleges.

Essays on Human Capital, Health, and Development

Essays on Human Capital, Health, and Development
Author: Yao Yao
Total Pages: 119
Release: 2016
Genre: Electronic dissertations

This dissertation studies rich lifecycle behavior concerning human capital and health, and its implications for economic growth and development. It examines the impact of social institutions and government policies on individuals' lifetime choices which affect public health outcomes and economy-wide labor productivity. I apply macroeconomic approach and focus on aggregate effects, but both theoretical framework and quantitative analysis are built upon solid micro foundations of household behavior. By exploring the underlying channels, I derive policy implications for economic growth and development. This dissertation consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 studies the role of fertility motives in women's HIV risk in Sub-Saharan Africa, Chapter 2 studies the impact of higher education expansion along with economic reform on Chinas labor productivity, and Chapter 3 explores patterns of Chinas regional income disparity. Chapter 1 examines the role of social and cultural norms regarding fertility in women's HIV risk in Sub-Saharan Africa. Fertility, or the ability to bear children, is highly valued in most African societies, and premarital fertility is often encouraged in order to facilitate marriage. This, however, increases women's exposure to HIV risk by increasing unprotected premarital sexual activity. I construct a lifecycle model that relates a woman's decisions concerning sex, fertility and education to HIV risk. The model is calibrated to match Kenyan womens data on fertility, marriage and HIV prevalence. Quantitative results show that fertility motives play a substantial role in women's, especially young women's, HIV risk. If premarital births did not facilitate marriage, the HIV prevalence rate of young women in Kenya would be one-third lower. Policies that subsidize income, education, and HIV treatment are evaluated. Chapter 2 studies the impact of higher education expansion, along with economic reform of the state sector, in the late 1990's in China on its labor productivity. I argue that in an economy such as China, where allocation distortions widely exist, an educational policy affects average labor productivity not only through its effect on human capital stock, but also through its effect on human capital allocation across sectors. Thus, its impact could be very limited if misallocation becomes more severe following the policy. I construct a two- sector general equilibrium model with private enterprises (PE) and state-owned enterprises (SOE), with policy distortions favoring the latter. Households, heterogeneous in ability, make educational choices and occupational choices in a three-period overlapping-generations setting. Counterintuitively, quantitative analysis shows an overall negative effect of higher education expansion on average labor productivity (by 5 percent). Though it did increase China's skilled human capital stock significantly (by nearly 50 percent), the policy had the effect of reallocating relatively more human capital toward the less-productive state sector. It is the economic reform that greatly improves the efficiency of human capital allocation and complements educational policy in enhancing labor productivity (by nearly 50 percent). Chapter 3 explores patterns of China's regional income disparity. I document the stylized fact that the regional labor income disparity varies across industries with different skill in- tensities in China. While high-skill-intensive industries have larger income dispersions across regions than low-skill-intensive ones, this pattern tends to intensify over recent decades. I construct a model that interprets this pattern using the regional productivity variation of high-skilled firms, match-specific ability, firms' screening decision and workers' migration. In particular, firms in rich regions have higher productivity than those in poor regions. Workers are heterogeneous in ability, which is match-specific and unobservable before screening. Since ability and productivity are complements for high-skilled firms, these firms in rich regions pay more screening efforts to select workers with higher ability, and pay a higher wage in equilibrium. Workers live in different regions, and migration incurs a cost. This increases la- bor market tightness in rich regions and amplifies the regional income disparity. The model is quantified to match China's data. Counterfactual analysis shows that the screening process accounts for 45 percent of China's regional income disparity of high-skill-intensive industries, and migration barrier accounts for 10 percent.