Electronic Density Functional Theory

Electronic Density Functional Theory
Author: John F. Dobson
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 384
Release: 2013-11-11
Genre: Science
ISBN: 148990316X

This book is an outcome of the International Workshop on Electronic Density Functional Theory, held at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, in July 1996. Density functional theory, standing as it does at the boundary between the disciplines of physics, chemistry, and materials science, is a great mixer. Invited experts from North America, Europe, and Australia mingled with students from several disciplines, rapidly taking up the informal style for which Australia is famous. A list of participants is given at the end of the book. Density functional theory (DFT) is a subtle approach to the very difficult problem of predicting the behavior of many interacting particles. A major application is the study of many-electron systems. This was the workshop theme, embracing inter alia computational chemistry and condensed matter physics. DFT circumvents the more conceptually straightforward (but more computationally intensive) approach in which one solves the many-body Schrodinger equation. It relies instead on rather delicate considerations involving the electron number density. For many years the pioneering work of Kohn and Sham (the Local Density Ap proximation of 1965 and immediate extensions) represented the state of the art in DFT. This approach was widely used for its appealing simplicity and computability, but gave rather modest accuracy. In the last few years there has been a renaissance of interest, quite largely due to the remarkable success of the new generation of gradient functionals whose initiators include invitees to the workshop (Perdew, Parr, Yang).

Density Functional Theory

Density Functional Theory
Author: Reiner M. Dreizler
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Total Pages: 302
Release: 1990-01-01
Genre: Density functionals
ISBN: 9783540519935

Density Functional Theory is a rapidly developing branch of many-particle physics that has found applications in atomic, molecular, solid-state and nuclear physics. This book describes the conceptual framework of density functional theory and discusses in detail the derivation of explicit functionals from first principles as well as their application to Coulomb systems. Both non-relativistic and relativistic systems are treated. The connection of density functional theory with other many-body methods is highlighted. The presentation is self-contained; the book is, thus, well suited for a graduate course on density functional theory.

Theoretical prediction of properties of atomistic systems

Theoretical prediction of properties of atomistic systems
Author: Alexander Lindmaa
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
Total Pages: 82
Release: 2017-08-15
ISBN: 9176854868

The prediction of ground state properties of atomistic systems is of vital importance in technological advances as well as in the physical sciences. Fundamentally, these predictions are based on a quantum-mechanical description of many-electron systems. One of the hitherto most prominent theories for the treatment of such systems is density functional theory (DFT). The main reason for its success is due to its balance of acceptable accuracy with computational efficiency. By now, DFT is applied routinely to compute the properties of atomic, molecular, and solid state systems. The general approach to solve the DFT equations is to use a density-functional approximation (DFA). In Kohn-Sham (KS) DFT, DFAs are applied to the unknown exchangecorrelation (xc) energy. In orbital-free DFT on the other hand, where the total energy is minimized directly with respect to the electron density, a DFA applied to the noninteracting kinetic energy is also required. Unfortunately, central DFAs in DFT fail to qualitatively capture many important aspects of electronic systems. Two prime examples are the description of localized electrons, and the description of systems where electronic edges are present. In this thesis, I use a model system approach to construct a DFA for the electron localization function (ELF). The very same approach is also taken to study the non-interacting kinetic energy density (KED) in the slowly varying limit of inhomogeneous electron densities, where the effect of electronic edges are effectively included. Apart from the work on model systems, extensions of an exchange energy functional with an improved KS orbital description are presented: a scheme for improving its description of energetics of solids, and a comparison of its description of an essential exact exchange feature known as the derivative discontinuity with numerical data for exact exchange. An emerging alternative route towards the prediction of the properties of atomistic systems is machine learning (ML). I present a number of ML methods for the prediction of solid formation energies, with an accuracy that is on par with KS DFT calculations, and with orders-of-magnitude lower computational cost. Att kunna förutsäga egenskaper hos atomistiska system utgör en viktigdel av vår teknologiska utveckling, samt spelar en betydande roll i defysikaliska vetenskaperna. Sådana förutsägelser bygger på en kvantmekaniskbeskrivning av mångelektronsystem. En av de mest framståendeteorierna för att behandla den här typen av system är täthetsfunktionalteorin(DFT). Den främsta orsaken till dess framgång är attden lyckas kombinera skaplig noggrannhet med en bra beräkningseffektivitet.DFT används numera rutinmässigt för att beräkna storheterhos atomer, molekyler, och fasta kroppar. Generellt sett löses ekvationerna inom DFT genom att man inför entäthetsfunktionalapproximation (DFA). I Kohn-Sham (KS) DFT, användsDFAer för att approximera utbytes-korrelationsenergin. Inom orbitalfriDFT, där målet är att direkt minimera den totala energin med avseendepå elektrontätheten, så approximerar man också den icke-interageranderörelseenergin hos elektronerna. Dessvärre så fallerar många centralaDFAer att kvalitativt beskriva många viktiga aspekter hos elektronsystem.Två viktiga exempel är beskrivningen av lokaliserade elektroner,samt beskrivningen av system där det förekommer elektronytor. I denna avhandling använder jag modellsystem för att konstruera enDFAför elektronlokaliseringsfunktionen (ELF). Samma tillvägagångssättappliceras sedan för att studera den kinetiska energitätheten i gränsen avlångsamt varierande elektrontätheter, där effekten av elektronytor effektivtinkluderas. Förutom arbetet som berör modellsystem, så presenterasen utökad variant av en utbytes-energifunktional med en förbättrad KSorbitalbeskrivning: ett schema för att förbättra dess energiegenskaperför solida material, samt en jämförelse av dess beskrivning av en viktigegenskap hos den exakta utbytesenergin, vilket utgörs av diskontinuiteteri dess derivata. Ett mera nyligen uppkommet samt alternativt sätt att kunna förutsägaegenskaper hos atomistiska system utgörs av maskinlärning (ML).Jag presenterar ett antal ML-modeller för att kunna förutsäga formeringsenergierhos fasta material med en noggrannhet som är i linje medresultat som uppnås av beräkningar med hjälp av KS DFT, och med enberäkningseffektivitet som är flera storleksordningar snabbare.

The Fundamentals of Electron Density, Density Matrix and Density Functional Theory in Atoms, Molecules and the Solid State

The Fundamentals of Electron Density, Density Matrix and Density Functional Theory in Atoms, Molecules and the Solid State
Author: N.I. Gidopoulos
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2011-01-27
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9789048165087

This volume records the proceedings of a Forum on The Fundamentals of Electron Density, Density Matrix and Density Functional Theory in Atoms, Molecules and the Solid State held at the Coseners' House, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxon. over the period 31st May - 2nd June, 2002. The forum consisted of 26 oral and poster presentations followed by a discussion structure around questions and comments submitted by the participants (and others who had expressed an interest) in advance of the meeting. Quantum mechanics provides a theoretical foundation for our under standing of the structure and properties of atoms, molecules and the solid state in terms their component particles, electrons and nuclei. (Rel ativistic quantum mechanics is required for molecular systems contain ing heavy atoms.) However, the solution of the equations of quantum mechanics yields a function, a wave function, which depends on the co ordinates, both space and spin, of all of the particles in the system. This functions contains much more information than is required to yield the energy or other property.

Density Functional Theory

Density Functional Theory
Author: Eberhard Engel
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 531
Release: 2011-02-17
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9783642140891

Density Functional Theory (DFT) has firmly established itself as the workhorse for atomic-level simulations of condensed phases, pure or composite materials and quantum chemical systems. This work offers a rigorous and detailed introduction to the foundations of this theory, up to and including such advanced topics as orbital-dependent functionals as well as both time-dependent and relativistic DFT. Given the many ramifications of contemporary DFT, the text concentrates on the self-contained presentation of the basics of the most widely used DFT variants: this implies a thorough discussion of the corresponding existence theorems and effective single particle equations, as well as of key approximations utilized in implementations. The formal results are complemented by selected quantitative results, which primarily aim at illustrating the strengths and weaknesses of particular approaches or functionals. The structure and content of this book allow a tutorial and modular self-study approach: the reader will find that all concepts of many-body theory which are indispensable for the discussion of DFT - such as the single-particle Green's function or response functions - are introduced step by step, along with the actual DFT material. The same applies to basic notions of solid state theory, such as the Fermi surface of inhomogeneous, interacting systems. In fact, even the language of second quantization is introduced systematically in an Appendix for readers without formal training in many-body theory.

Quantal Density Functional Theory

Quantal Density Functional Theory
Author: Viraht Sahni
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 284
Release: 2004-01-13
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 9783540408840

Quantal density functional theory (Q-DFT) is a new local effective potential energy theory of the electronic structure of matter. It is a description in terms of classical fields that pervade all space, and their quantal sources. The fields, which are explicitly defined, are separately representative of the many-body electron correlations present in such a description, namely, those due to the Pauli exclusion principle, Coulomb repulsion, correlation-kinetic, and correlation-current-density effects. The book further describes Schrödinger theory from the new perspective of fields and quantal sources. It also explains the physics underlying the functionals and functional derivatives of traditional DFT.

Quantal Density Functional Theory II

Quantal Density Functional Theory II
Author: Viraht Sahni
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 426
Release: 2009-10-16
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3540922296

In my original proposal to Springer for a book on Quantal Density Functional Theory, I had envisaged one that was as complete in its presentation as possible, describing the basic theory as well as the approximation methods and a host of applications. However,after workingon the bookforabout ?ve years, I realizedthat the goal was too ambitious, and that I would be writing for another ?ve years for it to be achieved. Fortunately,there was a natural breakin the material, and I proposed to my editor, Dr. Claus Ascheron, that we split the book into two components: the ?rst on the basic theoretical framework, and the second on approximation methods and applications. Dr. Ascheron consented, and I am thankful to him for agreeing to do so. Hence, we published Quantal Density Functional Theory in 2004, and are now publishing Quantal Density Functional Theory II: Approximation Methods and Applications. One signi?cant advantage of this, as it turns out, is that I have been able to incorporate in each volume the most recent understandings available. This volume, like the earlier one, is aimed at advanced undergraduates in physics and chemistry, graduate students and researchers in the ?eld. It is written in the same pedagogical style with details of all proofs and numerous ?gures provided to explain the physics. The book is independent of the ?rst volume and stands on its own. However, proofs given in the ?rst volume are not repeated here.

Modern Density Functional Theory: A Tool For Chemistry

Modern Density Functional Theory: A Tool For Chemistry
Author: P. Politzer
Publisher: Elsevier
Total Pages: 419
Release: 1995-01-27
Genre: Science
ISBN: 0080536700

Density Functional Theory (DFT) is currently receiving a great deal of attention as chemists come to realize its important role as a tool for chemistry. This book covers the theoretical principles of DFT, and details its application to several contemporary problems. All current techniques are covered, many are critically assessed, and some proposals for the future are reviewed. The book demonstrates that DFT is a practical solution to the problems standard ab initio methods have with chemical accuracy. The book is aimed at both the theoretical chemist and the experimentalist who want to relate their experiments to the governing theory. It will prove a useful and enduring reference work.

Recent Advances in Density Functional Methods

Recent Advances in Density Functional Methods
Author: Delano Pun Chong
Publisher: World Scientific
Total Pages: 436
Release: 1995
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9789810224424

Of all the different areas in computational chemistry, density functional theory (DFT) enjoys the most rapid development. Even at the level of the local density approximation (LDA), which is computationally less demanding, DFT can usually provide better answers than Hartree-Fock formalism for large systems such as clusters and solids. For atoms and molecules, the results from DFT often rival those obtained by ab initio quantum chemistry, partly because larger basis sets can be used. Such encouraging results have in turn stimulated workers to further investigate the formal theory as well as the computational methodology of DFT.This volume contains ten contributions from active workers in DFT, covering topics from basic principles to methodology to applications. In the Foreword, Prof Walter Kohn gives his perspective on the recent advances in DFT. Because DFT is being developed in so many different directions, no single volume can provide a complete review of DFT. However, this volume will help both beginners and experimentalists to read the growing DFT literature more easily.