Empirical Essays on Price Discrimination and Market Segmentation

Empirical Essays on Price Discrimination and Market Segmentation
Author: Romana Khan
Total Pages:
Release: 2004

The focus of the second essay is on the contribution to retailer profitability from two price discrimination mechanisms: quantity discounts based on package size (second degree price discrimination), and micromarketing or store-level pricing (third degree price discrimination). The analysis shows that the ability to engage in second degree price discrimination contributes more to retailer profitability than third degree price discrimination.

Essays in Nonlinear Pricing

Essays in Nonlinear Pricing
Author: Garrett Patrick Hagemann
Total Pages: 222
Release: 2018

This dissertation addresses several open issues in the economics surrounding the use of nonlinear pricing. The first chapter empirically examines the impact of the use of nonlinear pricing by wholesalers. The second chapter evaluates how firm profit depends on the number of prices offered in a nonlinear price schedule. Finally, the third chapter investigates the use of all-unit discounts as a price discrimination instrument. The first chapter exploits a unique data set of price schedules to provide the first empirical estimate of the welfare impact of second degree price discrimination in a market with double marginalization. Theoretical predictions in such a context are ambiguous. Quantity discounts at the wholesale level reduce costs for larger retailers, increasing efficiency. However, quantity discounts raise input costs for smaller retailers, increasing prices consumers may pay. The combined welfare effects on consumers umers depends on how much of input cost discounts are passed through to consumers and the distribution of retailer size. I develop and estimate a model of the New York State retail liquor market where wholesalers offer a multi-part nonlinear tariff for each product. The structural model is then used to estimate the welfare impact of restricting wholesale pricing to be linear. I find that banning quantity discounts reduces total welfare by approximately 14% on average. Consumer surplus and wholesaler profit decline by approximately 26% on average. Average retailer profit increases by a similar magnitude, though effects for a particular retailer are heterogeneous across retailer size. The second chapter examines the shape of observed price schedules more directly. Sellers often offer price schedules with relatively few segments rather than completely nonlinear price schedules which offer a unique price for each unit sold. By not offering a completely nonlinear, sellers are foregoing some additional profit in favor of a simpler pricing strategy. I find that the scale of these foregone profits is relatively small and only loosely related to product characteristics. When considered in percentage terms, foregone profits are very similar across a large number of products. This suggests that simple pricing strategies obtain almost all the profits available and this is a common property of nonlinear pricing strategies. The final chapter compares price discrimination through two different quantity discount mechanisms: all-unit discounts and incremental discounts. All-unit-discounts give consumers a lower marginal price on all units purchased once total purchase size crosses a threshold. Incremental discounts only provide discounts on units above the threshold. Relative to incremental discounts, all-unit-discounts imply higher marginal prices and bunching of purchase sizes in equilibrium. The equilibrium bunching may present a challenge for estimating the model empirically.

Essays on Price Dispersion and Dynamic Pricing

Essays on Price Dispersion and Dynamic Pricing
Author: Ching-jen Sun
Total Pages: 120
Release: 2008
Genre: Prices

Abstract: This dissertation develops three essays on dynamic pricing to investigate two important topics in industrial organization: price dispersion and price discrimination. The first essay considers a stylized model of dynamic price competition in which each seller sells one unit of a homogeneous commodity by posting prices in every period to maximize the expected profits with discounting. A random number of buyers come to the market in each period. Each buyer demands at most one unit of the good, and they all have a common reservation price. They know all prices posted by all firms in the market; hence search is costless. I show that when there is a positive probability of excess demand, the model has a unique (symmetric) mixed-strategy equilibrium. In this equilibrium, each seller posts a price in every period according to a non-degenerate distribution, which is determined by the number of sellers remaining in the market in that period. Sellers play mixed strategies as they are indifferent between selling sooner at a lower price and waiting to sell at a higher price later. Thus, price dispersion not only exists in every period among firms, but also persists over time. In the second essay, I consider a monopolist who can sell vertically differentiated products over two periods to heterogeneous consumers. Consumers each demand one unit of the product in each period. In the second period, consumers are sorted into different segments according to their first-period choice, and the monopolist can offer different menus of contracts to different segments. In this way, the monopolist can price discriminate consumers not only by product quality, but also by purchase history. I fully characterize the monopolist's optimal pricing strategy when the type space is discrete and a simple condition is given to determine whether the monopolist should price discriminate consumers by product quality in the first period. When the consumers' type space is a continuum, I show that there is no fully separating equilibrium, and some properties of the optimal menu of contracts (price-quality pairs) are characterized within the class of partition PBE (Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium). The monopolist will offer only one quality in the first period when the social surplus function is log submodular or the firm and consumers are patient. If it is optimal for the firm to offer only one quality in the first period, the optimal market coverage in the first period is smaller than that in the static model. Furthermore, in equilibrium there are some high-type consumers choosing to downgrade the product in the second period, a phenomenon that has never been addressed in the literature. In the second essay, when the consumers' type space is a continuum, the analysis of the optimal menu of contracts is restricted within the class of partition PBE. The third essay provides a justification for this qualification. I ask whether an optimal menu of contracts can induce a non-partition continuation equilibrium by scrutinizing the example constructed by Laffont and Tirole (1988). They construct a non-partition continuation equilibrium for a given first-period menu of incentive contracts and conjecture that this continuation equilibrium need not be suboptimal for the whole game under small uncertainty. I construct two first-period incentive schemes leading to a partition continuation equilibrium and show that, regardless of the extent of uncertainty, their non-partition continuation equilibrium generates a smaller payoff than one of two partition continuation equilibria for the principal. In this sense, Laffont and Tirole's menu of contracts, giving rise to a non-partition continuation equilibrium, is not optimal. I provide an intuition behind this result, hoping to shed light on the problem of dynamic contracting without commitment.