Eleven Dreams

Eleven Dreams
Author: Todd Compton
Publisher: Todd Compton
Total Pages: 254
Release: 2020-09-07
Genre: Fiction

"Eleven Dreams" © NEW RELEASE > DIGITAL SCRIPT: $5.95 FADE IN: This is a story of a young man surrounded by the bigotry of the 'South' 1980's and that within his own family and his need to survive with his compassion intact and escape the everyday mentalities of racial inequalities. Those depicting fear - hatred at will as they chose. The young-man's challenges guided by his compassion is the drama - in this 'original screenplay'. INSERT: TEXAS HIGHWAY SIGN. BULLET HOLES. READS. SUPREME, TEXAS - POLLUTION - 16,213 - (Vandalized) - Now reads - Raccoons. "Home of The World's Largest Mayonnaise Factory" INSERT PG 186: CAMERA FOLLOWS ACTION - A PICKUP TRUCK CROSSES RAILROAD TRACKS - NIGHT BACK IN HERE: MAIN SCRIPT SUMMER - 2002 EXT. ESTABLISHING SHOT - TOWN - RAP MUSIC - DAY TRIMMINGS of a small rural REDNECK town soaking in bigotry. Radio Station plays a 'Radio Free Europe' call out in a 'Black Rap Song' in your face back to you. Lyrics fill the air waves predominantly using the 'N' word. CAMERA Pans area so you get the drift of things. There's 'SHIP'S BARBER SHOP' with the American Flag along side a CONFEDERATE FLAG hanging in first place. Older Pickup Trucks with Rifle Racks in rear window sporting the Confederate Flag throughout the parking area. Black Rap Song continues to ring out. Older cars. Activity. Locals. Huge Six Lane Highway passes through town. Strip Mall Shopping Center. Dental stall upstairs. Identified truck from Mayonnaise Factory is unloading an injured individual into the Medical Clinic. Nigger doesn't dance here. Music Out. Most locals here have never been outside of Texas. Camera Pans Cemetery. However, someone has a plan - Rider on Scooter. Preview: Page 6 SHERIFF Damn, Wilbur is so short change in the head if Einstein's brain was lying at his feet with a damn note tied to it saying that he, Wilbur, was next in line to use it. He'd he'd pick it up and throw it in the damn trash. Who the fuck is Einstein? I tell you I sure in heck don't know what his Daddy was thinking. Bank Puppy. DEPUTY Trust Puppy. INT. SMALL ROOM - LIVING QUARTERS - MORNING Young white male. Sleeping. Room is attached to rear of family garage. Daylight cracks through wall boards. Alarm clock sounds. This is RUSTY ROBERTS our chief protagonist. Twenty one. Jumps up. Wearing shorts. Thin. Muscular. Good looks. (O.S.) We hear the sounds of a LAWN MOWER. RUSTY Ah...I'm late. EXT. LARGE ESTATE - GROUNDS - MORNING This is Debbie BOGG. Attractive. Late Thirties. Cutting grass. Older male on porch in Wheelchair. EXT. GARAGE ROOM - RUSTY - DAY On his exit Rusty trips over his dog. Large male Golden Retriever. This is MOON. RUSTY Moon! One of these mornings I'm going to break a leg. Moon gets a huge. RUSTY to rear door of house. Enters kitchen. Moon tags along. Two sister prepare breakfast. Dressed in nightwear cutoffs barely covering young curvy bodies. Breasts and butts in exposure. BUFFY the eighteen year old. YELLS. BUFFY HEY! You're not suppose to be in here! With...with...those prying horny eyes of yours! BUFFY covers up. Rusty moves to refrigerator. Takes out a piece of chicken from the Diner where he works. Puts the bag back in. Moon sticks his nose in. AGNES the fifteen year old makes clothing adjustment with clothing. AGNES Good morning, Rusty. Hi, Moon. TWO more Sisters move in. Dressed and exposed the same. KIM the sixteen year old. KIM Hi, Rusty...your fridge broken again? Moon whats up? CASEY the fourteen year old enters. Topless. CAMERA ANGLE. REVERSE SHOT. BUFFY turns. Sees CASEY topless. BUFFY CASEY! Cover yourself up! CASEY SOOO! I don't care! He can take me down anytime he wants! Good morning, Rusty. Moon...love you. Rusty any take outs left? Ahhh...here it is...ladies. Casey makes a Maestro flip for Buffy to continue. BUFFY In case you forget! Or you're not checking anymore! He's still your brother! You idiot! Casey flips the finger to Buffy. Rusty moves to exit. BUFFY (Con't) DADDY! He's in the house again! You just wait! RUSTY ROBERTS! When Daddy gets home! You'll get it! Just wait! CASEY Bye, Rusty. Moon...you can stay. AGNES/KIM Bye, Rusty...bye Moon. EXT. HOUSE - RUSTY - MOON - DAY Rusty takes bite of Chicken. Gives balance to Moon. RUSTY Four sisters. Look out world here they come. Ready or not. Watch the bones, pal. Page 12 EXT. RUSTY - HIGHWAY - VARIOUS ANGLES - EVENING Motor Scooter. INSERT: Sign on Scooter: "Sam's Hot Food - You Get Hot - Or You Don't Pay". Rusty on Scooter pulling up to Food Mart. Parks Scooter. SIGN on top of Food Mart Reads: "ELEVEN DREAMS" INT. ELEVEN DREAMS - EVENING SAM NAM. OWNER. VIETNAMESE. Middle age male. Rusty moves up to Sam. Mrs. Nam works grill. This is EVE NAM. Acknowledges Rusty. EVE Hello...Rusty. You okay today? RUSTY Fine...thanks and you Mrs. Nam? EVE smiles and nods. SAM Hey, Rusty you want to take Mrs. June's order? It's ready. RUSTY She's early today...isn't she? But she's a solid tipper. (Whispers) Sam...can I ask you a man's question? SAM Sure...sure, boy. You ask...man's question. SAM winks to wife while Rusty moves around to Sam's position. RUSTY Sam...lets say...if you were to...in a shower. SAM looks on doubtfully. Nods to Rusty to continue. RUSTY (CON'T) You know. RUSTY nods. SAM Yes...yes! Wacky! Wacky! RUSTY embarrassed. Looks around. Then to floor. RUSTY Well...yeah. My question is...how long would the? SAM Wacky...you wacky long time? Not good...maybe fall off. SAM laughs. Eve smiles. SAM (CON'T) How long you Wacky, boy? RUSTY No...no...not that...not the wacky. SAM You no wacky? RUSTY The aroma...Sam. You know...aroma. SAM Aroma? Girl? Aroma is girl? Girl...I don't know her. RUSTY puts fingers to nose. SAM (CON'T) Oh...Oh...the fishy! The smell! Yeah, yeah the fishy! Maybe ten minutes...fishy in bathroom! No more! For sure no more sometimes less, the fishy. Aroma, yes. (Laughs) RUSTY Ten minutes! On, no! She knows. SAM She knows the fishy? RUSTY Yeah. SAM If girlie knows the fishy not bad. She's next! Sam smiles. Nods to EVE looking on. SAM (CON'T) Hey! Good news! Rusty! Before I forget! My cousin called today from Los Angeles! RUSTY He did! He did! Great! Great! Oh, boy! SAM Yeah! He waits for you, good news! He has room for you...until you get settled...you know...you have to get to know Los Angeles. Big city...big city. RUSTY Wow! A room! That's awesome! EVE (O.S.) EVE Food ready! Hot! Now! Ready! SAM Okay...okay...we talk later...Mrs June's food ready. Pg 15 EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT Rusty pulls up on Scooter for another delivery. INT. HOUSE - NIGHT Three adorable thirteen year old girls dressed to the 'nines' peering in excitement peering from behind curtain. GIRL ONE He's coming! GIRLS quickly line up at door. Bell rings. All jump in excitement adjusting themselves. GIRL TWO I'm first! GIRL THREE We're all first! Okay...this is it. GIRL ONE opens door. Rusty enters. RUSTY Hi Randi...Hi Shelly...Hi Ester. ALL THREE GIRLS Hi Rusty! We're ready! GIRLS strut in place. RUSTY Where should I put the food? ALL THREE On the table! SHELLY (Whisper) Is he going to do us on the table? RUSTY moves to the kitchen. RUSTY On the table. ALL THREE GIRLS scramble to get on the dining room table. In a comical rush. Spreading out in adjustment. Rusty in kitchen. Sets food on counter. Mickey the eight year old brother enters. RUSTY Hi, Mickey...hungry? MICKEY Right...lets see the bill. RUSTY hands bill to Mickey. MICKEY (CON'T) Things are looking good, Rusty. Last time it was fifty dollars. RUSTY Fun and games, huh. Your Mom will later give the real number to Sam. MICKEY See you Rusty...can I get a ride tomorrow? RUSTY Sure. MICKEY grabs his food and moves off. RUSTY moves pass the GIRLS still spread out on dining room table. RANDI You can do us! I...mean you deserve it. RUSTY makes his exit. RANDI (CON'T) I feel woozy...did he do us? ESTER I'm perspiring...maybe he did. SHELLY I'm wet...my heart can't take much more of this...I need to sit up. Pg 19 LOUD BOOM (O.S.) Rusty's door is kick open. FRANK. Rusty's Father enters. Slightly Overweight. Wears a white stained - tee-shirt - at armpits. Khaki pants. Gun tucked in belt. FRANK Thought I told you I wanted you out of HERE! MOON comes to alert. FRANK (Con't) You SIC that damn dog of yours on me and I'll but a bullet in both of you! RUSTY cautious Moon. RUSTY I leave in two weeks. RUSTY stumbles. Grabs tickets to show Frank. FRANK That's not soon enough! I want you out of here tonight! Get your shit packed and out of here tonight! You can sleep on the fuck'n street for all I care! I don't much give a rat's ass where! RUSTY nods. RUSTY I'm paying you rent...here...here's a month's rent and I leave in two weeks...I'm never late late with the rent to you...never. FRANK I don't want your damn money! I want you out of here! Tonight! And if you're not out of here than you're a fuck'n trespasser! RUSTY recoils sadly. FRANK (Con't) And you know what I do with fuck'n trespassers! I shot the bastards! That's what I do! FRANK mocking. FRANK (Con't) Gees...Sheriff...I didn't know who the fuck it was! RUSTY frighteningly holds onto Moon. Frank back at Rusty. FRANK (Con't) I thought it might be someone trying to sneak up and rape one of my daughters! RUSTY backs away. FRANK (Con't) This here is Supreme, Texas! Ass hole! It an't your fuck'n fairyland Hollywood! It's fuck'n Supreme, Texas! And the Sheriff ain't gonna give a damn about some dead worthless piece of shit lying dead in my fuck'n night grass! You got that! RUSTY sadly nods. FRANK (Con't) And if you leave that damn dog of yours behind thinking you're gonna come back and get him later! I'll shot the sack of shit where he sleeps! NEW ANGLE FRANK (Con't) And use his fuck'n carcass for crab bait in the morning! Those are my words of wisdom, asshole! And you can count on them! I want you out of here tonight! FRANK turns. Kicks door out of way. Exits. RUSTY sits down in a worn chair. Despair. Quiet cry. Moon moves over to Rusty. CASEY makes a loud entrance from the dark outside through open door. CASEY WHAT a piece of artwork he is! Father knows best...not! he knows as much about parenthood as a bunch of southern militant skinheads high on weed and Sieg Heils! RUSTY Ahh...Casey...you better get out of here before he comes back. He was going to shoot me and Moon. Did you hear him. CASEY moves over to food bags on table. CASEY Thai food! And look at what we have here for...Moon! CASEY pulls out a large bone of meat. Moon's tail wagging. Casey gives bone to Moon. RUSTY Casey...please. If he comes back he's going to go crazy... he wants to shoot me at any chance or cause he gets. CASEY He's not coming back...Buffy's taking a bath...she looks the other way and lets him watch pretending like she doesn't know. Yeah...right! She's playing every angle of the deal. RUSTY covers ears. CASEY laughs. CASEY (Con't) Come on! I'll prove it to you! I'll show you...we'll sneak up on them...from the outside bathroom window. MOON barks. CASEY (Con't) See...Moon knows. RUSTY No...no I'll take your word for it. CASEY Can I stay for dinner? I haven' eaten all day. RUSTY looks around. CASEY closes door. RUSTY Sure...sure please eat. Lots of food and I'm not very hungry right now. CASEY Stop worrying about it...Buffy will brown nose him up after her bath...bad mouthing everyone. She's already got Kim and Agnes bent somewhere along the line those two will need some serious deprogramming from their cult master. RUSTY nods. CASEY takes food from bags and sets up the table. CASEY (Con't) If Mom were alive...Buffy would be cut down to real quick. But you can blame that on these two. CASEY grabs BOTH breast. CASEY (Con't) They bounce around nicely when you want them, too...they're good to suck on when having up coming fun...they're sexy. BUT they're also KILLERS as our Mother knows all too well. RUSTY to door to check. CASEY (Con't) Stop worrying. He's ready for his six pack...he watches Wrestling Mania...he falls asleep...trust me on this one. Anyway, tomorrow's Sunday and he's broke...he doesn't get paid until next week the factory pays every two weeks. NEW ANGLE: Rusty reassured. Sits down at table. CASEY (Con't) You give me the rent money...I'll convince him...our father in grace, here. That I'm the courier and messenger. He takes the money with only coins left in his pockets...gives Buffy twenty bucks and WE'RE off to the races again. NEW DAY NEWS CONFERENCE Roberta is a top news personality. Looks directly into camera as she is reporting back to her boss in New York. ROBERTA Well...there you have it, Dan. The Sheriff seems embattled with the News Conference and the line questioning, to say the least...as you saw and of course as you know...we're knee deep here in East Rider territory. DAN (O.S.) Right...small southern towns are not experience when it comes to a lot of outside media attention and it shows. EXT. NEWS MEDIA - VARIOUS ANGLES - DAY Rapping up things for the day. Trucks. Big Media stars of networks are moving back to Chauffeur driven Vans. INT. HOUSE - DAY BUFFY on phone. Mock Hysteria. Kim and Agnes sit nearby like the trained associates that they are. BUFFY Ally Ward was my bestest of friends ever! I Can't believe this is happening to us, Hank! Did they catch the Black Man that did it? Hank...you think they'll want to talk to me on T.V. ? HANK Of course they will...my Daddy's got some pull with the news people here...they owe him some favors...as head of the Republican Party in South Texas...he got them in on some interviews with Bush! Buffy on phone holds for a beat. BUFFY WHAT! Are you crazy! I'm not going to DO your Daddy! My God! He's older than...then Robert Redford! Forget it Hank Borman! Just forget it! I'll get it done with my own people! BUFFY throws a look to Agnes and Kim. Both are stunned. With open mouths. Buffy moves over to the two. BUFFY (Con't) This as I see it...is your only earthly worthwhile function in your otherwise miserable lives! So protect your roles, idiots! And I'm offering sisterly love, here. You two get out there...scratch the ground spread the word with those media people - no local media - National only. That Buffy Roberts has information. INT. RUSTY - CASEY - RUSTY'S ROOM - NIGHT At table. Moon resting on Rusty's bed. CASEY You heard him...he said, accident. Remember...accident. Right. RUSTY I hope they're alright. Please, please, dear God let them be alright. RUSTY gives Moon a hug and a kiss. Casey encouragingly whispers. CASEY The announcer said accident...you saw the ambulances... two of them. Rusty nods. RUSTY What time is it? CASEY Ten O'clock. Lets check to see if there' anything on the news. END OF PREVIEW Script Now Circling: Talent and Reps. Copyright Laws - "Eleven Dreams"

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The Wheel of Time is now an original series on Prime Video, starring Rosamund Pike as Moiraine! In Knife of Dreams, the eleventh novel in Robert Jordan’s #1 New York Times bestselling epic fantasy series, The Wheel of Time®, Tarmon Gai'don, the Last Battle, is upon Rand al'Thor—and now the Dragon Reborn must confront the Dark One as humanity's only hope. The dead are walking, men die impossible deaths, and it seems as though reality itself has become unstable... Abandoning Rand’s war against the Dark One, Perrin Aybara has made his own truce with the Seanchan in his obsessive quest to save his wife Faile from the Shaido and destroy their mutual enemies. To achieve victory, Perrin must render the Shaido Wise One channelers in Malden powerless. But even as he puts his desperate plan into action, Masema Dagar, the Prophet of the Dragon, moves against him. Traveling with circus performers through Seanchan-controlled Altara, Mat Cauthon attempts to court Tuon, the Daughter of the Nine Moons, to complete their fateful prophesized marriage. Despite being surrounded by Seanchan seeking to kill her, Mat’s intended leads him on a merry chase while he wages guerrilla warfare to protect her. Knowing he cannot defeat the Dark One while at war with the Seanchan, Rand brokers for a truce with the Daughter of the Nine Moons. Unaware of Tuon’s actual location, the Dragon Reborn walks into a trap set by the Forsaken Semirhage, who possesses knowledge about his powers that will either shatter or steel his resolve in the forthcoming conflict. Since its debut in 1990, The Wheel of Time® by Robert Jordan has captivated millions of readers around the globe with its scope, originality, and compelling characters. The last six books in series were all instant #1 New York Times bestsellers, and The Eye of the World was named one of America's best-loved novels by PBS's The Great American Read. The Wheel of Time® New Spring: The Novel #1 The Eye of the World #2 The Great Hunt #3 The Dragon Reborn #4 The Shadow Rising #5 The Fires of Heaven #6 Lord of Chaos #7 A Crown of Swords #8 The Path of Daggers #9 Winter's Heart #10 Crossroads of Twilight #11 Knife of Dreams By Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson #12 The Gathering Storm #13 Towers of Midnight #14 A Memory of Light By Robert Jordan and Teresa Patterson The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time By Robert Jordan, Harriet McDougal, Alan Romanczuk, and Maria Simons The Wheel of Time Companion By Robert Jordan and Amy Romanczuk Patterns of the Wheel: Coloring Art Based on Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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Understanding the Dreams You Dream: Biblical Keys for Hearing God's Voice in the Night not only provides insight into your dreams and life, but also includes a comprehensive dictionary of dream symbols! You will be guided through the complex world of dreams by a minister with decades of experience receiving, understanding, and interpreting dreams of his own and for others. Through Scripture-based meditation, much can be understood about your dreams; but many Christians don't know how to meditate. This problem is addressed in three different ways: Specific, detailed directions are given on how and upon what to meditate. Personal examples of dreams from the author's own experiences. Practical dictionary of symbol definitions is included. This book presents both normal and not-so-normal dream situations. You will learn that to apply only one type of dream interpretation to all dreams is restricting each symbol to only one possible definition, which is incorrect. And you will learn how to tell the difference between a dream from God-and those from evil sources.