Education, War and Peace: The Surprising Success of Private Schools in War-Torn Countries

Education, War and Peace: The Surprising Success of Private Schools in War-Torn Countries
Author: James Tooley
Publisher: London Publishing Partnership
Total Pages: 134
Release: 2017-09-21
Genre: Education
ISBN: 0255367473

The authors of Education, War & Peace travelled to Liberia, Sierra Leone and South Sudan to conduct research on education in these conflict-affected countries. They uncovered an inspiring story of entrepreneurs stepping into the breach and providing low-cost private schooling to large numbers of children in areas where government was not working well and basic infrastructure had been destroyed. For-profit schools also expanded quickly to soak up educational demand once the conflicts were over. The fees were affordable to families on the poverty line and the children did better academically than those in government schools. Yet international agencies continue to promote government-run schools, even though state education has been a major source of both conflict and corruption in these countries. This groundbreaking study advocates a different approach. Low-cost private schools should be welcomed by policymakers as a means of providing high quality educational opportunities for all.

Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2019

Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2019
Author: Alexander W. Wiseman
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing
Total Pages: 392
Release: 2020-06-17
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1838677232

The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2019 examines the field of comparative and international education by bringing together scholars, professionals, and other stakeholders to investigate recent developments in the field that are relevant to contemporary and future educational reform and applications worldwide.

Really Good Schools

Really Good Schools
Author: James Tooley
Publisher: Independent Institute
Total Pages: 497
Release: 2021-04-12
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1598133403

"James Tooley has taken his argument about the transformative power of low-cost private education to a new and revelatory level in Really Good Schools. This is a bold and inspiring manifesto for a global revolution in education." —Niall C. Ferguson, Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Almost overnight a virus has brought into question America's nearly 200-year-old government-run K-12 school-system—and prompted an urgent search for alternatives. But where should we turn to find them? Enter James Tooley's Really Good Schools. A distinguished scholar of education and the world's foremost expert on private, low-cost innovative education, Tooley takes readers to some of the world's most impoverished communities located in some of the world's most dangerous places—including such war-torn countries as Sierra Leone, Liberia, and South Sudan. And there, in places where education "experts" fear to tread, Tooley finds thriving private schools that government, multinational NGOs, and even international charity officials deny exist. Why? Because the very existence of low-cost, high-quality private schools shatters the prevailing myth in the U.S., U.K., and western Europe that, absent government, affordable, high-quality schools for the poor could not exist. But they do. And they are ubiquitous and in high demand. Founded by unheralded, local educational entrepreneurs, these schools are proving that self-organized education is not just possible but flourishing—often enrolling far more students than "free" government schools do at prices within reach of even the most impoverished families. In the course of his analysis Tooley asks the key questions: ¦ What proportion of poor children is served? ¦ How good are the private schools? ¦ What are the business models for these schools? ¦ And can they be replicated and improved? The evidence is in. In poor urban and rural areas around the world, children in low-cost private schools outperform those in government schools. And the schools do so for a fraction of the per-pupil cost. Thanks to the pandemic, parents in America and Europe are discovering that the education of their children is indeed possible—and likely far better—without government meddling with rigid seat-time mandates, outdated school calendars, absurd age-driven grade levels, and worse testing regimes. And having experienced the first fruits of educational freedom, parents will be increasingly open to the possibilities of ever greater educational entrepreneurship and innovation. Thankfully, they have Really Good Schools to show the way.

School Choice around the World

School Choice around the World
Author: Christopher J. Counihan
Publisher: London Publishing Partnership
Total Pages: 203
Release: 2019-06-06
Genre: Education
ISBN: 0255367805

This volume of essays examines the empirical evidence on school choice in different countries across Europe, North America, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. It demonstrates the advantages which choice offers in different institutional contexts, whether it be Free Schools in the UK, voucher systems in Sweden or private-proprietor schools for low-income families in Liberia. Everywhere experience suggests that parents are ‘active choosers’: they make rational and considered decisions, drawing on available evidence and responding to incentives which vary from context to context. Government educators frequently downplay the importance of choice and try to constrain the options parents have. But they face increasing resistance: the evidence is that informed parents drive improvements in school quality. Where state education in some developing countries is particularly bad, private bottom-up provision is preferred even though it costs parents money which they can ill-afford. This book is both a collection of inspiring case studies and a call to action.

Raising the Roof: How to Solve the United Kingdom's Housing Crisis

Raising the Roof: How to Solve the United Kingdom's Housing Crisis
Author: Jacob Rees-Mogg
Publisher: London Publishing Partnership
Total Pages: 163
Release: 2019-10-10
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 025536783X

Raising the Roof addresses one of the key issues of our era – the UK’s housing crisis. Housing costs in the United Kingdom are among the highest on the planet, with London virtually the most expensive major city in the world for renting or buying a home. At the core of this is one of the most centralised planning systems in the democratic world – a system that plainly doesn’t work. A system that has resulted in too few houses, which are too small, which people do not like and which are in the wrong places, a system that stifles movement and breeds Nimbyism. The IEA’s 2018 Richard Koch Breakthrough Prize, with a first prize of £50,000, sought free-market solutions to this complex and divisive problem. Here, Breakthrough Prize judge Jacob Rees-Mogg and IEA Senior Research Analyst Radomir Tylecote critique a complex system of planning and taxation that has signally failed to provide homes, preserve an attractive environment and enhance our cities. They then draw from the winning entries to the Breakthrough Prize, and previous IEA research, to put forward a series of radical and innovative measures – from releasing vast swathes of government-owned land to relaxing the suffocating grip of the green belt. Together with cutting and devolving tax, and reforms to allow cities to both densify and beautify, this would create many more homes and help restore property-owning democracy in the UK.

Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies

Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies
Author: Kristian Niemietz
Publisher: London Publishing Partnership
Total Pages: 401
Release: 2019-02-07
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 0255367716

Socialism is strangely impervious to refutation by real-world experience. Over the past hundred years, there have been more than two dozen attempts to build a socialist society, from the Soviet Union to Maoist China to Venezuela. All of them have ended in varying degrees of failure. But, according to socialism’s adherents, that is only because none of these experiments were “real socialism”. This book documents the history of this, by now, standard response. It shows how the claim of fake socialism is only ever made after the event. As long as a socialist project is in its prime, almost nobody claims that it is not real socialism. On the contrary, virtually every socialist project in history has gone through a honeymoon period, during which it was enthusiastically praised by prominent Western intellectuals. It was only when their failures became too obvious to deny that they got retroactively reclassified as “not real socialism”.

Getting the Measure of Money: A Critical Assessment of UK Monetary Indicators

Getting the Measure of Money: A Critical Assessment of UK Monetary Indicators
Author: Anthony J. Evans
Publisher: London Publishing Partnership
Total Pages: 209
Release: 2018-12-06
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 0255367686

How much money is circulating in the United Kingdom? The question sounds simple. In fact, it is notoriously difficult to answer, because what counts as money is not a straightforward matter. A variety of measures have been advanced, and they tell different stories about the changing supply of money in an economy. These differences are of more than merely academic interest, because measures of the money supply are inputs to the decisions of central banks. Wrong answers can lead to wrong actions, with potentially devastating economic effects. This book examines the measure of money and, in that light, the actions of the Bank of England in in the lead up to the 2008 financial crisis and its aftermath. It is essential reading for anyone interested in money, measures of its quantity, and the relationship between the money supply and the economic cycle.

Ayn Rand: An Introduction

Ayn Rand: An Introduction
Author: Eamonn Butler
Publisher: London Publishing Partnership
Total Pages: 177
Release: 2018-06-21
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0255367651

Few 20th century intellectuals have been as influential – and controversial – as the novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand. Her thinking still has a profound impact, particularly on those who come to it through her novels, Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead – with their core messages of individualism, self-worth, and the right to live without the impositions of others. Even though ignored or scorned by some academics, traditionalists, progressives, and public intellectuals, she remains a major influence on many of the world’s leading legislators, policy advisers, economists, entrepreneurs and investors. Why does Rand’s work remain so influential? Ayn Rand: An Introduction illuminates Rand’s importance, detailing her understanding of reality and human nature, and explores the ongoing fascination with and debates about her conclusions on knowledge, morality, politics, economics, government, public issues, aesthetics and literature. The book also places these in the context of her life and times, showing how revolutionary they were, and how they have influenced and continue to impact public policy debates.

The Sharing Economy: Its Pitfalls and Promises

The Sharing Economy: Its Pitfalls and Promises
Author: Michael C. Munger
Publisher: Do Sustainability
Total Pages: 171
Release: 2021-08-12
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 0255367929

Transactions have always taken place. For hundreds of years that ‘place’ was a market or, more recently, a shopping mall. But in the past two decades these physical locations have increasingly been replaced by their virtual counterparts – online platforms. Here, author Michael C. Munger demonstrates how these platforms act as matchmakers or middlemen, a role traders have adopted since the very first exchanges thousands of years ago. The difference today is that the matchmakers often play no direct part in buying or selling anything – they just help buyers and sellers find each other. Their major contribution has been to reduce the costs of organising and completing purchases, rentals or exchanges. The Sharing Economy: Its Pitfalls and Promises contends that the key role of online platforms is to create reductions in transaction costs and it highlights the importance of three ‘Ts’ - triangulation, transfer and trust – in bringing down those costs.

An Introduction to Trade and Globalisation

An Introduction to Trade and Globalisation
Author: Eamonn Butler
Publisher: Do Sustainability
Total Pages: 157
Release: 2021-09-16
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 0255368046

International trade has created a highly interdependent world. Everyday products – such as phones, trainers or cars – are designed, manufactured and assembled across several different countries, by countless different companies, both large and small, involving millions of people of all nationalities, creeds and cultures. We take much of this creativity and competition for granted. But it wouldn’t be possible without the peaceful collaboration of millions of people around the planet – a much-overlooked aspect of globalisation. Yet some politicians – perhaps bound by electoral concerns – often take a narrower view, claiming globalisation leads to job losses, lower standards and threats to security. An introduction to Trade & Globalisation examines the tensions that inevitably arise alongside the many benefits of trade. Author Eamonn Butler looks at the rapid growth of international trade over the past 50 years, and how commerce and international politics have become increasingly entwined. He describes the fundamental and growing importance of trade and globalisation in modern life – whilst also seeking to understand the opposition to it. And, at the same time, he skilfully provides a straightforward, insightful and essential introduction to the principles, economics, and politics of international trade – one of the key developments of the modern era.