Decision Framework for Selection of Managed Lanes Strategies

Decision Framework for Selection of Managed Lanes Strategies
Author: Grant Fisher
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2005
Genre: High occupancy vehicle lanes

This report documents the development of a decision support methodology that accomplishes two objectives: (1) sorts out the relationships between managed lanes concepts and strategies, and (2) maps the knowledge territory in order to identify gaps. In conjunction with this particular research task, a user-friendly preliminary screening tool has been developed to assist the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in identifying managed lanes strategy options very early in the conceptual planning process. The framework for the decision support methodology is the backbone for the Managed Lanes Handbook, which offers the resources and guidance to develop a managed lanes project, addressing characteristics unique to individual facilities. This report also summarizes the evolution of managed lanes in Texas over the last five years, the legislative initiatives that have shaped TxDOTs current approach to implementation, and the gaps in the knowledge base that still leave many questions unanswered. At the national level managed lanes are a relatively new and emerging concept. However, TxDOT has led the nation in research and development with two highoccupancy toll (HOT) lanes and 10 freeway high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities in operation and over a dozen managed lanes projects currently under development in 10 Texas cities. Even with the experience to date, there are still many unanswered questions related to the long-term operation of managed lanes and numerous unknown factors that will require further research and documented practical experience through diligent monitoring and evaluation of facilities as they are implemented.

Dynamic Pricing and Long-term Planning Models for Managed Lanes with Multiple Entrances and Exits

Dynamic Pricing and Long-term Planning Models for Managed Lanes with Multiple Entrances and Exits
Author: Venktesh Pandey
Total Pages: 348
Release: 2020

Express lanes or priced managed lanes provide a reliable alternative to travelers by charging dynamic tolls in exchange for traveling on lanes with no congestion. These lanes have various locations of entrances and exits and allow travelers to adapt their route based on the toll and travel time information received at a toll gantry. In this dissertation, we incorporate this adaptive lane choice behavior in improving the dynamic pricing and long-term planning models for managed lanes with multiple entrances and exits. Lane choice of travelers minimizing their disutility is affected by the real-time information about tolls and travel time through variable message signs and perceived information from past experiences. In this dissertation, we compare various adaptive lane choice models differing in their reliance on real-time information or historic information or both. We propose a decision route lane choice model that efficiently compares the disutility over multiple routes on an express lane. Assuming drivers’ disutility is only affected by tolls and travel times, we show that the decision route model generates only up to 0.93% error in expected costs compared to the optimal adaptive lane choice model, making it a suitable choice for modeling lane choice of travelers. Next, using the decision route lane choice framework, we improve the current dynamic pricing models for express lanes that commonly ignore adaptive lane choice, assume simplified traffic dynamics, and/or are based on simplified heuristics. Formulating the dynamic pricing problem as an MDP, we optimize the tolls for various objectives including maximizing revenue and minimizing total system travel time (TSTT). Three solution algorithms are evaluated: (a) an algorithm based on value-function approximation, (b) a multiagent reinforcement learning algorithm with decentralized tolling at each gantry, and (c) a deep reinforcement learning assuming partial observability of traffic state. These algorithms are shown to outperform other heuristics such as feedback control heuristics by generating up to 10% higher revenues and up to 9% lower delays. Our findings also reveal that the revenue-maximizing optimal policies follow a “jam-and-harvest” behavior where the toll-free lanes are pushed towards congestion in the earlier time steps to generate higher revenue later, a characteristic not observed for the policies minimizing TSTT. We use reward shaping methods to overcome the undesired behavior of toll policies and confirm transferability of the algorithms to new input domains. We also offer recommendations on real-time implementations of pricing algorithms based on solving MDPs. Last, we incorporate adaptive lane choice in existing long-term planning models for express lanes which commonly represent these lanes as fixed-toll facilities and ignore en route adaptation of lane choices. Defining the improved model as an equilibrium over adaptive lane choices of self-optimizing travelers and formulating it as a convex program, we show that long-term traffic forecasts can be underestimated by up to 45% if adaptive route choice is ignored. For solving the equilibrium, we develop a gradient-projection algorithm which is shown to be efficient than existing link-state algorithms in the literature. Additionally, we estimate the sensitivity of equilibrium expected costs with demand variation by formulating it as a convex program solved using a variant of the gradient projection algorithm proposed earlier. This analysis simplifies a complex express lane network as a single directed link, allowing integration of adaptive lane choice for planning of express lanes without significantly altering the components of traditional planning models. Overall these models improve the state-of-the-art of pricing and planning for managed lanes useful for evaluating future express lane projects and for operations of express lanes with multiple objectives

Year 3 Annual Report of Progress

Year 3 Annual Report of Progress
Total Pages: 64
Release: 2003
Genre: Express highways

The objectives of this project are to investigate the complex and interrelated issues surrounding the safe and efficient operation of managed lanes using various operating strategies and to develop a managed lanes manual to help the Texas Department of Transportation make informed planning, design, and operational decisions when considering these facilities for its jurisdiction. This document summarizes the activities of the first three years of this multiyear project, highlights the accomplishments to date, provides a status report of efforts underway, and outlines planned activities for the coming year.

Managed Lane Strategies Feasible for Freeway Ramp Applications

Managed Lane Strategies Feasible for Freeway Ramp Applications
Total Pages: 414
Release: 2008
Genre: Express highway interchanges

This research: (1) investigated under what conditions should managed ramps be considered for both mainlanes and managed lanes based on relevant factors including target users in the corridor, congestion level, ramp spacing/density, ramp volumes, accident history, etc.; (2) assessed the impacts and benefits of managed ramps; and (3) developed general guidelines and best practices for operating and enforcing managed ramps.

Findings from Texas

Findings from Texas
Total Pages: 150
Release: 2005
Genre: High occupancy vehicle lanes

Texas cities are currently considering the managed lane concept for major freeway projects. As a new concept of operating freeways in a flexible and possibly dynamic manner, the managed lane concept has a limited experience base, thereby creating a knowledge vacuum in emerging key areas that are critical for effective implementation. . Complicating the effort is the rapid progress of several freeway improvement projects in Texas in which TxDOT is proposing managed lane operations. The operational experience both in Texas and nationally for managed lanes is minimal, particularly for extensive freeway reconstruction projects. The managed lane projects currently in existence involve retrofits of existing freeway sections within highly fixed access, geometric, and operational configurations, and established eligibility considerations. There are few projects in operation from which to draw experiential data on the implementation of managed lane freeway sections with complex or multiple operational strategies, including variations in eligible vehicle user groups by time of day. The objectives of this project are to investigate the complex and interrelated issues surrounding the safe and efficient operation of managed lanes using various operating strategies and to develop a managed lanes manual to help the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) make informed planning, design, and operational decisions when considering these facilities for its jurisdiction. This document presents the critical research results obtained over the five years of this project.

Interim Manual for Managed Lanes

Interim Manual for Managed Lanes
Total Pages: 114
Release: 2003
Genre: Express freeways

The objectives of this research project are to investigate the complex and interrelated issues surrounding the safe and efficient operation of managed lanes using various operating strategies and to develop a managed lanes manual to help the Texas Department of Transportation make informed planning, design, and operational decisions when considering these facilities for its jurisdiction. This document presents three years of research in the form of a draft manual for managed lanes. It includes three chapters in draft form, which include a guide to the manual, an introduction to managed lanes, and design. This document includes research in a usable format, providing a clear, concise, and step-wise approach to planning designing, operating, and enforcing a managed lanes facility. It also refers the user to other pertinent documents which provide additional detailed information on various aspects of managed lanes.