Cross-Border Family Mediation

Cross-Border Family Mediation
Author: Christoph C. Paul
Publisher: Wolfgang Metzner Verlag
Total Pages: 482
Release: 2023-10-17
Genre: Law
ISBN: 396117136X

Die 3. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage dieses Werks ist eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für erfahrene Familienmediatoren und alle anderen Fachleute, die mit grenzüberschreitenden Familienkonflikten und Kindesentführungsfällen zu tun haben. Eine Vielzahl von Beiträgen führender internationaler Expertinnen und Experten auf diesem Gebiet machen das Buch zu einer unschätzbaren Quelle, die unter anderem Folgendes bietet: Überblick über den einschlägigen internationalen Rechtsrahmen für solche Fälle Anleitung zu den besonderen Merkmalen grenzüberschreitender Familiensachen sowie den eingesetzten Methoden, Mediationsmodellen und Instrumenten Informationen zur Koordinierung der Mediation mit Gerichtsverfahren in Kindesentführungsfällen Leitlinien für die grenzüberschreitende Vollstreckbarkeit von im Mediationsverfahren geschlossenen Familienvereinbarungen Ansätze und bewährte Praktiken für die Mediation in Fällen mit (muslimischen) Ländern, die nicht dem Haager Übereinkommen angehören Informationen zur Einbeziehung der Stimme des Kindes in die Mediation, Online-Mediation, Zweisprachigkeit in der grenzüberschreitenden Mediation praktische Informationen und Ressourcen wie z.B. Fallstudien, Muster für Mediationsvereinbarungen und Gerichtsbeschlüsse, eine Vorlage für eine Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung, Checklisten, Links wichtiger Ansprechpartner und Texte der anwendbaren internationalen Rechtsinstrumente The 3rd updated and expanded edition of this reference book is indispensable reading for experienced family mediators and all other professionals involved in cross-border family conflicts and child abduction cases. A diverse range of contributions from leading international experts in the field make this an invaluable resource covering: an overview of the relevant international legal framework for such cases insight into the specific characteristics of cross-border family cases, the methodologies, mediation models and tools employed information on coordinating mediation with court proceedings in child abduction cases guidance on the cross-border enforceability of mediated family agreements family law trends and mediation in cases with non-Hague Convention (Muslim) countries the voice of the child, mediating online, bilingualism in mediation practical information and resources, such as case studies, sample mediation agreements and court orders, a template of a choice of court agreement, checklists, important contacts and applicable legal texts

Parental Kidnapping in America

Parental Kidnapping in America
Author: Maureen Dabbagh
Publisher: McFarland
Total Pages: 213
Release: 2011-12-08
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 0786489057

In 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice reported an average of 200,000 cases of parental kidnapping each year. More than just the byproduct of a nasty custody dispute, parental kidnapping--defined as one parent taking his or her child and denying access of the child to the other parent--represents a form of child abuse that has sometimes resulted in the sale, abandonment and even death of children. This candid exploration of parental kidnapping in America from the eighteenth century to the present clarifies many misconceptions and reveals how the external influences of American social, political, legal, and religious culture can exacerbate family conflict, creating a social atmosphere ripe for abduction.

Cross-border Parental Child Abduction in the European Union

Cross-border Parental Child Abduction in the European Union
Total Pages: 411
Release: 2015
ISBN: 9789282365250

Upon request by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), this study aims at analysing the international, European and national legal framework applicable to cross-border parental child abduction, with a view to proposing recommendations for the improvement of the current system. In light of available statistics and case law, five recurrent scenarios giving rise to child abduction legal disputes have been identified. One common scenario is the wrongful removal of a child, which results in the reversal of the balance previously settled in a judicial decision for the exercise of parental rights. A judicial "fast track" through the "automatic" enforcement of foreign decisions on return prescribed by EU Regulation 2201/2003 can be said to have improved the regime of the existing Hague Convention on Child Abduction. In turn, case law shows that when child abduction takes the form of an "illegal transfer of a child{OCLCbr#D0}’s primary residence abroad" by the primary care-giver, national courts tend to explore more in-depth the "best interests of the child". The development of appropriate structures of mediation in order to organise the transfer of a child{OCLCbr#D0}’s residence abroad with one of the parents should prevent "abductions" and improve, in most cases, the relationship between the parents having joint responsibility for the child. In addition to a preventive mediation scheme, a remedial mediation scheme is proposed. If, despite the preventive and remedial mediation schemes, a request return is brought to court in complex situations, it is important to avoid contradictory decisions by the EU judges in the jurisdiction of the present and the former place of residence of the child and to allow careful analysis of the overall situation of the child. To this end, a "joint-decision" reached through the active cooperation of specialised national courts within the EU is proposed. This involves special judicial training - with language and intercultural skills - for international family disputes.

Hungary in

Hungary in
Author: Tamas Dezso Ziegler
Total Pages: 415
Release: 2016

Upon request by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), this study aims at analysing the international, European and national legal framework applicable to cross-border parental child abduction, with a view to proposing recommendations for the improvement of the current system. In light of available statistics and case law, five recurrent scenarios giving rise to child abduction legal disputes have been identified. One common scenario is the wrongful removal of a child, which results in the reversal of the balance previously settled in a judicial decision for the exercise of parental rights. A judicial “fast track” through the “automatic” enforcement of foreign decisions on return prescribed by EU Regulation 2201/2003 can be said to have improved the regime of the existing Hague Convention on Child Abduction. In turn, case law shows that when child abduction takes the form of an “illegal transfer of a child's primary residence abroad” by the primary care-giver, national courts tend to explore more in-depth the “best interests of the child”. The development of appropriate structures of mediation in order to organise the transfer of a child's residence abroad with one of the parents should prevent “abductions” and improve, in most cases, the relationship between the parents having joint responsibility for the child. In addition to a preventive mediation scheme, a remedial mediation scheme is proposed. If, despite the preventive and remedial mediation schemes, a request return is brought to court in complex situations, it is important to avoid contradictory decisions by the EU judges in the jurisdiction of the present and the former place of residence of the child and to allow careful analysis of the overall situation of the child. To this end, a “joint decision” reached through the active cooperation of specialised national courts within the EU is proposed. This involves special judicial training - with language and intercultural skills - for international family disputes.