CNN 互動英語 2022 年 10 月號 No.265 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 10 月號 No.265 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages: 78
Release: 2022-09-30
Genre: Foreign Language Study

社會 The Changing Face of Riyadh 沙烏地阿拉伯首都利雅德的現代新風貌 Inside the New and Improved Capital of Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯近年推行社會及經濟改革,逐漸突破過往男女有別的傳統,呈現更現代、更平等的新風貌,在首都利雅德已見明顯改變。 商業 The Cost of Exclusivity 為什麼時尚奢華品牌在通膨下的銷售不減反增? Rising Prices Hasn’t Stopped Consumers from Buying Luxury Goods 全球進入大通膨時代,精品業同樣逃不過漲價命運,不過奢華品牌的目標消費者並未因價格上漲而縮手,反而買得更多! 保健 Outsmarting Cancer 專為胰臟癌量身訂做的客製化mRNA疫苗 Using mRNA Vaccines to Combat the World’s Deadliest Illness 醫學專家與BNT公司合作,成功替一名胰臟癌病患開發出客製化mRNA疫苗,為癌症治療帶來一線曙光。 體育 The Champion of Champions 改變NBA 的傳奇球星——比爾.羅素 Remembering Bill Russell—One of the NBA’s Best-Ever Players 曾帶領NBA波士頓塞爾提克隊拿下11座冠軍的比爾.羅素逝世,NBA更將代表羅素的6號球衣在全聯盟退休,以紀念這位傳奇球星。 科技 See the Invisible 天眼看地球 衛星數據追蹤汙染源 Scientists Analyze Satellite Data to Track the Source of Pollution 一家環保新創公司利用衛星數據結合 AI 判讀來追蹤污染源,並將這些資訊透明公開地提供給大眾,希望達到監督的效果。 科技 Drone Defense 無人機在救災方面的應用與隱憂 Deterring UAVs from Interfering with Emergency Operations 無人機可以成為救災的利器,但來源不明的無人機卻也可能成為阻礙空中救難的隱藏危機,需要適當規範。 保育 Our Nocturnal Friends 暗夜中的生態精靈——蝙蝠 Mexico’s “Bat Man” Dedicates His Life to Protecting Bats 蝙蝠不討喜的外型和晝伏夜出的習性造成許多相關迷思,其實蝙蝠在捕食害蟲、為植物傳授花粉等方面都有不容忽視的重要性,值得加以研究與保護。 旅遊 Revenge Tourism 報復性旅遊潮 塞爆全球景點 World Destinations Are Dealing with a Post-Pandemic Travel Boom 全球景點在今年夏天迎來爆發性的人潮回歸,尤其是觀光大國法國,到處都是人山人海、價格飆漲的景象。 CNN全球瞭望 Trump’s Residence Raided by the FBI FBI在川普宅邸搜出白宮機密文件 Lyme Disease Vaccine on the Horizon 萊姆病疫苗研發中 A Diving Robot to Explore the Oceans 潛水機器人成海底探索好幫手 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN Billionaires Fund Exploration of Greenland for Rare Metals 格陵蘭冰層加速消失 億萬富翁搶挖稀有金屬助綠能 新聞片語通 單字聯想地圖 籃球英語 CNN主編教你唸 NBA東區聯盟隊名

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 11 月號 No.266 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 11 月號 No.266 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages: 78
Release: 2022-10-25
Genre: Foreign Language Study

專題報導 Ambition and Adaptability 莉茲.特拉斯當選英國新任首相 面臨嚴峻考驗 Liz Truss Becomes Britain’s New Prime Minister 英國前外交大臣莉茲.特拉斯當選保守黨黨魁後,也接受任命成為新首相,是該國第三位女性首相。特拉斯甫上任即面臨經濟、能源以及戰爭問題的嚴峻考驗。 專題報導 The Merry Monarch 永遠的伊莉莎白女王 Looking Back at Queen Elizabeth’s Sharp Sense of Humor 在位70年的英國伊莉莎白二世女王9月8日於蘇格蘭行宮逝世,享耆壽96歲。女王的親民和藹深得人心,她的機智妙語也將永遠讓人懷念。 商業 Finding the Balance 一週工作四天可行嗎?英國企業展開試驗 Some UK Companies Trial a Four-Day Workweek 英國超過70家企業、逾3千名員工參與一週工作四天的試驗,員工每週工時為過往的百分之80,薪水不減,但他們必須承諾工作產能不打折。 科學 Traces of the Past 因「旱」得福 億萬年前恐龍足跡現蹤 Historic Drought Reveals 113-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Footprints 美國德州今夏遭逢十年來最嚴重的乾旱,但乾涸的河床卻讓長年隱沒在沉積物下方、有超過一億年歷史的恐龍足跡意外重見天日。 科技 Space Environmentalism 太空環保運動 不讓地球軌道變垃圾場 Tracking the Man-Made Objects Orbiting Earth 數十年來的太空發展使地球軌道上充斥著大小不一的廢棄物,若不加以控管,恐成為危害地球的不定時炸彈。 體育 Purple and Gold 紫金王朝——NBA洛杉磯湖人隊的輝煌歲月 Reliving the Showtime Era of the Lakers in a New Documentary 1980年代,在球團老闆傑瑞.巴斯和球星魔術.強森、卡里姆.阿布都– 賈霸等人的引領之下,洛杉磯湖人隊打出華麗進攻球風,開啟了NBA輝煌的「表演時刻」年代。 政治 Soviet Statesmanship 終結冷戰和蘇聯的推手——戈巴契夫 How Mikhail Gorbachev Bridged the Gap between the East and West 蘇聯最後一任領導人米哈伊爾.戈巴契夫企圖以改革和開放政策改變體制,雖未在國內帶來預期效果,卻促成了冷戰的終結和蘇聯的解體,獲諾貝爾和平獎肯定。 旅遊 Turkey’s Hidden Gem 悠遊土耳其西岸 造訪日落愛琴海的香草小鎮 Richard Quest Visits the Little-Known Town of Alaçatı 土耳其西部除了有遠近馳名的「棉堡」帕慕卡雷,濱海小鎮阿拉恰提也不容錯過。跟著在地人走進洋溢愛琴海風情的巷弄和阿拉恰提一年一度的香草節。 保育 Hard-Scaled, Soft-Hearted 全球走私最猖獗的動物——穿山甲 Protecting the Pangolin: The World’s Most Trafficked Mammal 傳統中醫和野味捕食的需求使得穿山甲成為全球走私數量最多的動物,為此賴比瑞亞成立了野生動物保護區,保衛這種全身布滿鱗甲卻很溫馴的動物。 科技 Art Meets Activism VR藝術結合環保運動 喚起海洋保育意識 Designing Undersea Sculptures with VR to Help Coral to Grow 一位社會生態學藝術家結合虛擬實境技術、藝術創作及生態保育,打造出「海洋活雕塑」,盼藉此讓大眾更加重視海洋保育。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Britain Mourns the Death of Queen Elizabeth II 英國哀悼伊莉莎白二世女王辭世 Ukraine Pushes Russia Out of Kharkiv with Counteroffensive 烏克蘭大反攻 將俄軍逐出哈爾科夫 Steps to Decrease Insomnia 好習慣有助減少失眠 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN The Obamas Receive Their White House Portraits 歐巴馬夫婦白宮官方肖像揭幕 新聞片語通 單字聯想地圖 NBA英語 CNN主編教你唸 NBA西區聯盟隊名

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 12月號 No.267 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 12月號 No.267 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages: 78
Release: 2022-11-30
Genre: Foreign Language Study

專題報導 Right on Target 扭轉行星撞地球!NASA成功改變小行星軌道 NASA’s DART Mission Is a Resounding Success 史上首項利用飛行器撞擊改變小行星軌道的任務圓滿完成,成功使其繞軌週期縮短了32分鐘,證明了避免星體與地球相撞的防禦技術是可行的。 專題報導 A Stellar Nursery 韋伯望遠鏡傳回前所未見的宇宙壯觀景象! Stunning Images from the James Webb Telescope Show Stars Forming 韋伯太空望遠鏡再度傳回壯麗的太空影像,利用近紅外相機清楚呈現獵戶座大星雲的結構,幫助科學家進一步了解恆星誕生的過程。 體育 So Long to the Swiss Maestro 再見了,費德勒!網球傳奇高掛球拍 Roger Federer Hangs Up His Racket and Retires 生涯拿下20座大滿貫冠軍的瑞士網球名將費德勒於2022年拉沃盃之後高掛球拍,CNN回顧他歷年受訪的精彩片段。 商業 Royal Billionaire 英國國王有多富有?王室財產大清點 The Wealth of King Charles III and the Crown Estate 英國國王查爾斯三世不但接下母親的王位,更繼承了英國皇家財產局、眾多王室收藏品、地產及宅邸,使他躍身成為全世界最有錢的富豪之一。 社會 Shaking Formosa 台東罕見地牛大翻身 釋放上百年能量! Videos and Photos of the Earthquakes That Struck Taiwan 9月18日,台東池上發生規模6點8的強烈地震,造成數棟建築及橋樑毀損,所幸未造成嚴重傷亡。攝影鏡頭記錄下強震驚人的瞬間。 社會 A War-Torn Town 狗急跳牆?!俄軍求助傭兵強攻烏東 Russian Forces Bombard Bakhmut in Search of a Win 俄烏戰爭爆發8個月,節節敗退的俄軍一心求勝,找來訓練有素的瓦格納傭兵強攻烏東,當地居民飽受戰爭蹂躪、苦不堪言。 政治 The October Surprises 撼動美國選情的「10月驚奇」 US Politics Has a History of Twists and Turns in Fall 美國許多令人震驚的政治事件都發生在10月,經常為即將舉行的總統大選帶來扭轉局勢的結果。本文細數這些改變歷史的大事件。 商業 Financial Woes 萬物齊漲 大通膨時代來臨?! America’s Cost-of-Living Crisis Continues to Bite 美國創下40年來最高的通膨,物價、油價、房租齊漲,聯準會則祭出連續升息作為因應。面對萬物齊漲及潛在的衰退,專家建議審慎保守,但無須過度恐慌。 社會 Nature’s Fury

Banking Bailout Law

Banking Bailout Law
Author: Virág Blazsek
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 257
Release: 2020-10-27
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1000208346

Setting forth the building blocks of banking bailout law, this book reconstructs a regulatory framework that might better serve countries during future crisis situations. It builds upon recent, carefully selected case studies from the US, the EU, the UK, Spain and Hungary to answer the questions of what went wrong with the bank bailouts in the EU, why the US performed better in terms of crisis management, and how bailouts could be regulated and conducted more successfully in the future. Employing a comparative methodology, it examines the different bailout and bank resolution techniques and tools and identifies the pros and cons of the different legal and regulatory options and their underlying principles. In the post-2008 legal-regulatory architecture financial institution specific insolvency proceedings were further developed or implemented on both sides of the Atlantic. Ten years after the most recent financial crisis, there is sufficient empirical evidence to evaluate the outcomes of the bank bailouts in the US and the EU and to examine a number of cases under the EU’s new bank resolution regime. This book will be of interest of anyone in the field of finance, banking, central banking, monetary policy and insolvency law.

Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Conflict

Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Conflict
Author: Marko Svicevic
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Total Pages: 255
Release: 2024-04-02
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1040011691

This book uses a multidisciplinary approach to examine the ongoing conflict in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province, which has killed thousands and displaced a million people since 2017. The book investigates how the conflict developed, the regional and international responses and its wider implications. From a broad range of African perspectives, the book addresses issues related to the conflict including international humanitarian law, regional security and terrorism. Part I assesses the regional security concerns of the conflict, the success of cross-border counter-terrorism operations and their implications for the southern African region. Part II focuses on the conflict in relation to international humanitarian law. It discusses the Islamic State's presence in the region, the trajectory and issues pertaining to sexual and gender-based violence and the relationship between the conflict and the environment. Finally, Part III examines regional and continental responses to the conflict, from the military intervention by the Southern African Development Community and Rwanda, to the perceived inaction of the African Union. The first comprehensive analysis of the conflict in Cabo Delgado, this book will be of interest to scholars and practitioners of international humanitarian law, security, African politics, war and conflict studies, terrorism and human rights.

EIB Investment Report 2019/2020

EIB Investment Report 2019/2020
Author: European Investment Bank
Publisher: European Investment Bank
Total Pages: 634
Release: 2019-11-26
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 9286144679

The Investment Report, issued annually by the European Investment Bank, provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of investment and the financing of investment in the European Union. It combines the exploration of investment trends with in-depth analysis, focusing especially on the drivers and barriers to investment activity. The report leverages on a unique set of databases and survey data, including EIBIS, an annual survey of 13 500 firms in Europe, which focuses on their assessment of investment and investment finance conditions, and which allows analysis with firm balance sheet information. The report provides critical inputs to policy debates on the need for public action on investment, and on the types of intervention that can have the greatest impact.

Islam, Science Fiction and Extraterrestrial Life

Islam, Science Fiction and Extraterrestrial Life
Author: Jörg Matthias Determann
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Total Pages: 289
Release: 2020-09-17
Genre: History
ISBN: 0755601300

The Muslim world is not commonly associated with science fiction. Religion and repression have often been blamed for a perceived lack of creativity, imagination and future-oriented thought. However, even the most authoritarian Muslim-majority countries have produced highly imaginative accounts on one of the frontiers of knowledge: astrobiology, or the study of life in the universe. This book argues that the Islamic tradition has been generally supportive of conceptions of extra-terrestrial life, and in this engaging account, Jörg Matthias Determann provides a survey of Arabic, Bengali, Malay, Persian, Turkish, and Urdu texts and films, to show how scientists and artists in and from Muslim-majority countries have been at the forefront of the exciting search. Determann takes us to little-known dimensions of Muslim culture and religion, such as wildly popular adaptations of Star Wars and mysterious movements centred on UFOs. Repression is shown to have helped science fiction more than hurt it, with censorship encouraging authors to disguise criticism of contemporary politics by setting plots in future times and on distant planets. The book will be insightful for anyone looking to explore the science, culture and politics of the Muslim world and asks what the discovery of extra-terrestrial life would mean for one of the greatest faiths.

Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields

Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields
Author: Joachim Weickert
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 478
Release: 2007-06-25
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 3540312722

Matrix-valued data sets – so-called second order tensor fields – have gained significant importance in scientific visualization and image processing due to recent developments such as diffusion tensor imaging. This book is the first edited volume that presents the state of the art in the visualization and processing of tensor fields. It contains some longer chapters dedicated to surveys and tutorials of specific topics, as well as a great deal of original work by leading experts that has not been published before. It serves as an overview for the inquiring scientist, as a basic foundation for developers and practitioners, and as as a textbook for specialized classes and seminars for graduate and doctoral students.

Independent Counsel Report

Independent Counsel Report
Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Rules
Total Pages: 128
Release: 1998
Genre: Biography & Autobiography