Chira Chiralina

Chira Chiralina
Author: Panait Istrati
Publisher: Humanitas SA
Total Pages: 128
Release: 2014-12-03
ISBN: 9735047071

„Chira Chiralina e prima mea operă şi-mi rămâne scumpă între toate... Şi poate că azi plângem amândoi pe ruinele unor năzuinţi cari ne-au fost deopotrivă de scumpe...“ (Panait ISTRATI) Tragică, romantică, exotică, fermecătoare, plină de aventuri şi de pasiuni interzise, împletind viciul şi virtutea, abjecţia şi nobleţea, Chira Chiralina este una dintre cele mai tulburătoare scrieri din literatura română şi o neobosită pledoarie pentru libertate. Tânăra Chira, ademenitoare şi naivă, îndrăzneaţă şi nesăbuită, îşi duce zilele alături de mama ei în petreceri şi răsfăţ. Seară de seară, cu o nepăsare sporită parcă de apăsarea sorţii, fata îşi primeşte oaspeţii într-un cadru sufocat de erotism, devenind, cu voie ori fără voie, idealul amăgitor al fratelui ei mai mic, Dragomir. Când, asemenea oricărei iluzii, Chira îi scapă tânărului printre degete, acesta porneşte pe urmele ei prin lumea cea mare, într-o călătorie care-i perverteşte sufletul şi-i îngenunchează spiritul. Odiseea levantină a căutării surorii iubite zugrăveşte un preţios tablou al Orientului la mijloc de secol XIX şi oferă impresionante lecţii de viaţă. La capătul drumului, hoinarul Dragomir, înţelepţit, îşi transpune experienţa pribegiei într-o poveste de o frumuseţe răscolitoare. Scutite de grijile gospodăriei, cele două femei îşi petreceau vremea cu odihna, cu baia, cu toaleta, cu siropurile, cu mâncarea, cu narghilelele şi cu primirea curtezanilor. Nu uitau nici rugăciunile, dar nu se duceau niciodată la biserică, iar timpul sacrificat lui Dumnezeu era foarte scurt... Şi, desigur, mama era mulţumită de ceea ce Dumnezeu voia ca ea să facă, fiindcă el nu vrea lucruri silnice. El voia, mai întâi, ca mama şi fiica să stea în pat dimineaţa, cât le-o plăcea – loc potrivit pentru a ronţăi pesmeţi cu unt şi miere şi pentru a bea cafeaua cu lapte. Dumnezeu le poruncea apoi să se îmbăieze şi să-şi ungă corpul cu elixir de smirnă, să-şi înfrăgezeze obrajii cu abur de lapte fierbând la foc mic; să-şi facă părul lucios cu unt de migdale parfumat cu mosc; să-şi lustruiască unghiile cu o pensulă înmuiată în esenţă de anilină de acaju. Era apoi o întreagă daraveră cu toaleta genelor, sprâncenelor, buzelor şi obrajilor. Şi când totul era gata, urmau dejunul, fumatul şi siesta. Se trezeau când soarele era la chindie, pentru a arde aromate, pentru a bea siropuri şi în sfârşit pentru a începe marea dandana a zilei: cântecele, danţurile, cheful care ţinea până la miezul nopţii.

Queer Culture in Romania, 1920–2018

Queer Culture in Romania, 1920–2018
Author: Ramona Dima
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 219
Release: 2023-08-12
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 3031388496

This book is an in depth, extensive study of Romanian queer cultural products. It brings an essential contribution to the literature on Central and South Eastern European gender studies, post-communism studies, media, and cultural studies, as well as transnational queer studies. The book looks at Romanian queer culture ”from inside”, and from the acknowledgment that the research process is guided by the sensitivity of the approached topics, by the lack of archival footprints, and by a solid dose of media archaeology, especially when looking at the beginning of Romanian LGBT+ activism in the 90s. The book starts from contemporary Romanian cultural products that are focusing on queer topics and/or produced by queer creators. It looks back at the memories of seminal queer and trans activists in extensive interviews conducted for this volume, and fragmented literary and media sources that cover the most part of the 20th century. About the translation This book has been translated from Romanian by Andreea Moise. The Introduction and Chapter 6 were translated by Maria Cohut.

Medieval Oral Literature

Medieval Oral Literature
Author: Karl Reichl
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Total Pages: 768
Release: 2011-11-30
Genre: Literary Criticism
ISBN: 3110241129

Medieval literature is to a large degree shaped by orality, not only with regard to performance, but also to transmission and composition. Although problems of orality have been much discussed by medievalists, there is to date no comprehensive handbook on this topic. ‘Medieval Oral Literature’, a volume in the ‘De Gruyter Lexikon’ series, was written by an international team of twenty-five scholars and offers a thorough discussion of theoretical approaches as well as detailed presentations of individual traditions and genres. In addition to chapters on the oral-formulaic theory, on the interplay of orality and writing in the Early Middle Ages, on performance and performers, on oral poetics and on ritual aspects of orality, there are chapters on the Older Germanic, Romance, Middle High German, Middle English, Celtic, Greek-Byzantine, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian and Turkish traditions of oral literature. There is a special focus on epic and lyric, genres that are also discussed in separate chapters, with additional chapters on the ballad and on drama.

Onomastics in Contemporary Public Space

Onomastics in Contemporary Public Space
Author: Oliviu Felecan
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Total Pages: 645
Release: 2013-08-19
Genre: Language Arts & Disciplines
ISBN: 1443852171

Onomastics in Contemporary Public Space aims at analysing names and name-giving from an intercultural perspective, within the context of contemporary public space. As was the case of Name and Naming: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), the geographical areas investigated in the studies included in this volume are very diverse, referring not only to European cultural space, but also to American, Asian, African and Australian contexts. Being a collective work, the book brings together 49 specialists from 18 countries; namely Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom and the USA. Thematically, the volume is organised so that it may cover all the dimensions of public space, as far as onomastics is concerned. The specific areas studied are: the theory of names; names of public places (linguistic landscapes); names of public, economic, cultural, religious and sports institutions (names of business establishments, religious institutions – places of worship – and cultural associations, as well as names in journals and magazines); names of objects/entities resulting from various processes in public space (names of foods, drinks and food brands, code names of collaborators in secret service organisations, names in literature, nicknames/bynames/pseudonyms in the world of politics, high life, art and sport, names in virtual space, and zoonyms); and miscellanea. The originality and topicality of the subject lie in the multidisciplinary viewpoint adopted in the research, in which onomastics merges with adjacent linguistic disciplines, such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and pragmatics, as well as other sciences, such as history, literature, anthropology, politics, economy and religion.

Kyra Kyralina

Kyra Kyralina
Author: Panait Istrati
Publisher: Talisman House, Publishers
Total Pages: 148
Release: 2010
Genre: Romania

Fiction. Translated from the Romanian by Christopher Sawyer-Laucanno. KYRA KYRALINA, upon publication early in the nineteen twenties, immediately established its author as a leading writer in the Modernist pantheon. The first volume in a series of volumes indebted to Oriental modes of storytelling, such as found in The Thousand and One Nights, KYRA KYRALINA is a book of great charm and profound insight into the human condition.

Kyra Kyralina

Kyra Kyralina
Author: Panait Istrati
Total Pages: 240
Release: 1926
Genre: Romania

The first volume in a series of volumes indebted to Oriental modes of storytelling, such as found in The Thousand and One Nights, Kyra Kyralina is a book of great charm and profound insight into the human condition.