A Conceptual Model of Flow and Transport in a Karst Aquifer Based on Spatial and Temporal Variations of Natural Tracers

A Conceptual Model of Flow and Transport in a Karst Aquifer Based on Spatial and Temporal Variations of Natural Tracers
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Karst aquifers represent an important groundwater resource world-wide. They are highly vulnerable to contamination due to fast transport through the system and limited attenuation of contaminants. The two main hydrogeological approaches developed for studying flow and transport are: inference of the system structure from karst spring hydrographs and chemographs; numerical modelling of flow and transport using a theoretical distribution of flow and transport field parameters. These two approaches lack of validation by detailed field measurements and observations. The main objective of this thesis is to "fill the gap" existing between field and model data. Observations of flow and transport parameters at several locations within the system were used to develop a conceptual model. This model was then compared to the existing models. The main field test site is the Milandre karst aquifer, located in the Swiss tabular Jura. Natural tracers (major ions, oxygen-18, specific conductance) and discharge were measured on the underground river, its main tributaries, percolation waters, and the main spring. These data were collected on a long-term basis in order to assess the spatial variability of the parameters, and on a short time scale (i.e. flood events) in order to investigate the dynamic processes. Complementary sites (Brandt and Grand Bochat) were used for more observations at the base of the epikarst. The proposed conceptual model considers four sub-systems: the soil zone, the epikarst, the unsaturated zone, and the phreatic zone. Each has its own specificity with respect to flow and transport. The soil zone controls the actual infiltration into the system. It contributes efficiently to groundwater storage. It mixes quickly stored water with fresh infiltrated water. Its thickness determines land-use: thick soils are generally cultivated whereas thin soils are under forested areas. The solutes concentration of soil waters depends on land-use for pollution-related paramet.

Karst Aquifers - Characterization and Engineering

Karst Aquifers - Characterization and Engineering
Author: Zoran Stevanović
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 698
Release: 2015-02-25
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3319128507

This practical training guidebook makes an important contribution to karst hydrogeology. It presents supporting material for academic courses worldwide that include this and similar topics. It is an excellent sourcebook for students and other attendees of the International Karst School: Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers, which opened in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina in 2014 and which will be organized every year in early summer. As opposed to more theoretical works, this is a catalog of possible engineering interventions in karst and their implications. Although the majority of readers will be professionals with geology/hydrogeology backgrounds, the language is not purely technical making it accessible to a wider audience. This means that the methodology, case studies and experiences presented will also benefit water managers working in karst environments.

Enhanced Characterization and Representation of Flow Through Karst Aquifers

Enhanced Characterization and Representation of Flow Through Karst Aquifers
Author: Scott L. Painter
Publisher: American Water Works Association
Total Pages: 105
Release: 2006
Genre: Aquifers
ISBN: 1583214895

This research report summaries and details the first year of work on a multi-year karst modeling project organized to develop enhanced groundwater modeling capabilities that can be used to effectively manage karst aquifers. Discussed are the three key considerations for modeling karst systems were identified: representation of conduits in flow models, representation of flow dynamics in conduits, and representation of partially filled conduits and the numerical experiments used to identify the limitations and advantages of the three general representations of conduits within groundwater models. A new dual-conductivity MODFLOW-2000 package (DCM) was developed for testing the dual-conductivity approach. A turbulence model was added, the software was validated using simple benchmark problems, and code documentation was completed. Simultaneous demonstrations showed that the modeling tool can be successfully applied in complex applications.

Characteristics of Percolation Through the Karst Vadose Zone

Characteristics of Percolation Through the Karst Vadose Zone
Author: Janja Kogovšek
Publisher: Založba ZRC
Total Pages: 170
Release: 2010-09-01
Genre: Groundwater flow
ISBN: 9612542252

The study of the vadose zone has been based on own continuous long-term measurements and analyses of precipitation on the surface and of several representative trickles in the vadose zone of Postojna Cave over consecutive hydrological years. It offers an explanation of the dynamics of the percolation of water and simultaneous transfer of contaminants and their impact on the dissolution of carbonate rock in the vadose zone. The research contributes to the understanding of the role of the vadose zone in the karst aquifer. The emphasis is placed on a multi-parameter approach based on the simultaneous use of a number of different methods, not only tracing natural tracers (such as the continuos measurement of discharge, temperature, electrical conductivity, isotopic composition of oxigen, content of carbonates, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, nitrates, sulfates and o-phosphates, electrical resistivity imaging) but also tests with artificial tracers using different methods of injection. The research contributes to the understanding of the role of the vadose zone in the karst aquifers and is directly applicable in planning the long-term protection of the quality of karst springs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Knjiga razkriva dinamiko pretakanja in zadrževanja padavin v vadozni coni tudi v večletnem merilu in nanjo vezan prenos kontaminantov, njihov vpliv na raztapljanje kamnine ter vlogo vadozne cone v kraškem vodonosniku. Novo znanje je neposredno uporabno pri načrtnem dolgoročnem varovanju kakovosti kraških izvirov. Podrobne večletne zvezne, multiparameterske raziskave pretakanja padavin in prenosa kontaminantov skozi vadozno cono so bile zasnovane na rezultatih predhodnih dolgoletnih raziskav pretakanja vode skozi kraške vodonosnike. Novo znanje je bilo pridobljeno z dolgotrajnimi, sočasnimi meritvami padavin na površju ter meritvami in analizami reprezentativnih curkov v vadozni coni Postojnske jame v zaporednih letih. Poudarek je bil na sočasni uporabi številnih metod, ne le sledenj naravnih sledil (zvezne meritve pretoka, temperature, električne prevodnosti, izotopske analize kisika, analize karbonatov, kalcija, magnezija, kloridov, nitratov, sulfatov in o-fosfatov, uporaba električne tomografije) ampak tudi sledenj z umetnimi sledili z različnim načinom injiciranja.

Fluorescence Characterization of Karst Aquifers in East Tennessee

Fluorescence Characterization of Karst Aquifers in East Tennessee
Author: Teresa L. Brown
Total Pages: 164
Release: 2009
Genre: Aquifers

Karst and fractured rock aquifers are primary sources of drinking water in the Appalachian region, even though most are inherently susceptible to surface-derived contamination. Many of the obstacles to water supply protection in such systems could be alleviated through the use of tracer testing to delineate recharge areas and surface-to-groundwater connections. Tracer testing is currently under-utilized, however, due to public safety concerns and ambivalence on the part of regulatory agencies. This study aimed to address this issue through a characterization of the fluorescent properties of typical carbonate aquifers for the purpose of refining the timing and design of lowconcentration dye tracer tests. The subjects of this study were community water supply wells and springs in the Valley and Ridge Province of East Tennessee. Although each source exhibited a different degree of contamination potential, background fluorescence could primarily be attributed to natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) rather than manmade fluorophores. Seasonal data were collected for 23 groundwater sources during a multi-year drought (2006-2007). Untreated water samples were analyzed via fluorescence spectroscopy to identify spatial and temporal variations in the fluorescent properties of high-risk and lowrisk water supply sources. Fluorescence exhibited seasonal patterns and fluctuations in DOM quality relative to rain events. Fulvic acid-like spectra were detected most consistently in all sources and exhibited maximum fluorescent intensity in the winter months. Humic acid-type fluorescence appeared in springs and high-risk wells only after major rainfall. For all sources, DOM spectra gradually shifted towards lower molecular weight fluorophores, which was interpreted as a reflection of diminishing humification and increasing generation of proteins with warmer weather and drier conditions. Variations in fluorophore composition and concentration were generally more pronounced in springs and moderate- to high-risk wells than in low-risk wells, although all sources exhibited some unique characteristics. The results indicate that extended background fluorescence characterization could enhance the design of tracer tests and sampling strategies for waterborne contaminants such as cyanotoxins, VOCs, and microbial pathogens. This study also highlights the potential benefits of monitoring DOM fluorescence as a natural tracer for source water and wellhead protection.

Characteristics of Recharge-Discharge Relations in Karst Aquifer

Characteristics of Recharge-Discharge Relations in Karst Aquifer
Author: Metka Petrič
Publisher: Založba ZRC
Total Pages: 160
Release: 2002-10-10
Genre: Hydrology, Karst
ISBN: 9616358596

V knjigi Characteristics of Recharge-Discharge Relations in Karst Aquifer (Značilnosti odnosa med napajanjem in praznjenjem kraškega vodonosnika) je prikazana analiza značilnosti odnosa med napajanjem in praznjenjem kraškega vodonosnika, torej vhodne in izhodne funkcije kraškega sistema, na osnovi katere lahko sklepamo o značilnostih njegovega hidrodinamičnega delovanja.