Anomalous Loss of DT Alpha Particles in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor

Anomalous Loss of DT Alpha Particles in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Total Pages:
Release: 1999

An escaping alpha collector probe has been developed for TFTR's DT phase. Energy distributions of escaping alphas have been determined by measuring the range of [alpha]-particles implanted into nickel foils located within the alpha collector. Results at 1.0 MA of plasma current are in good agreement with predictions for first orbit alpha loss. Results at 1.8 MA, however, show a significant anomalous loss of partially thermalized alphas (in addition to the expected first orbit loss), which is not observed with the lost alpha scintillator detectors in DT plasmas, but does resemble the anomalous delayed loss seen in DD plasmas. None of the candidate explanations proposed thus far are fully consistent with the anomalous loss observations. An experiment designed to study the effect of plasma major radius shifts on [alpha]-particle loss has led to a better understanding of [alpha]-particle dynamics in tokamaks. Intuitively, one might suppose that confined marginally passing [alpha]-particles forced to move toward higher magnetic field during an inward major radius shift (i.e., compression) would mirror and become trapped particles, leading to increased alpha loss. Such an effect was looked for during the shift experiment, however, no significant changes in alpha loss to the 90[degree] lost alpha scintillator detector were observed during the shifts. It is calculated that the energy gained by an [alpha]-particle during the inward shift is sufficient to explain this result. However, an unexpected loss of partially thermalized [alpha]-particles near the passing/trapped boundary was observed to occur between inward and outward shifts at an intermediate value of plasma current (1.4 MA). This anomalous loss feature is not yet understood.

Alpha Particle Loss in TFTR Deuterium-tritium Plasmas with Reversed Magnetic Shear

Alpha Particle Loss in TFTR Deuterium-tritium Plasmas with Reversed Magnetic Shear
Total Pages: 7
Release: 1997

The confinement and loss of fusion alpha particles are examined for reversed magnetic shear plasmas in TFTR. Such plasmas, with high central q and non-monotonic q profiles can exhibit remarkably reduced energy and particle transport of the thermal ions. However, these same conditions are theoretically predicted to produce high levels of stochastic ripple loss of suprathermal particles, which may reduce the efficiency of plasma heating by the alpha particles and other heating schemes involving fast ions. This paper presents calculations of guiding-center code alpha particle orbit loss from deuterium-tritium (DT) simulations of TFTR deuterium-only experiments. They are compared to results of measurements made in DT reversed shear plasmas of both the confined alpha particle distribution and the alpha particles lost from the plasma. Large fast particle losses have also been found in reversed shear ITER simulations (up to 20%) and from measurements of triton burnup in reversed shear experiments on JT-60U (12%).

Alpha-driven Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and MHD-induced Alpha Loss in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor

Alpha-driven Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and MHD-induced Alpha Loss in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Total Pages: 30
Release: 1997

Alpha-driven toroidal Alfven eigenmodes (TAEs) are observed as predicted by theory in the post neutral beam phase in high central q (safety factor) deuterium-tritium (D-T) plasmas in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR). The mode location, poloidal structure and the importance of q profile for TAE instability are discussed. So far no alpha particle loss due to these modes was detected due to the small mode amplitude. However, alpha loss induced by kinetic ballooning modes (KBMs) was observed in high confinement D-T discharges. Particle orbit simulation demonstrates that the wave-particle resonant interaction can explain the observed correlation between the increase in alpha loss and appearance of multiple high-n (n ≥ 6, n is the toroidal mode number) modes.