Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens

Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens
Author: David A. Haukos
Publisher: CRC Press
Total Pages: 376
Release: 2016-02-22
Genre: Nature
ISBN: 1482240238

Shortlisted for the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the edited book categoryLesser Prairie-Chickens have experienced substantial declines in terms of population and the extent of area that they occupy. While they are an elusive species, making it difficult at times to monitor them, current evidence indicates that they have been persistently

Assessing the Ability of Conservation Reserve Program Lands to Provide Habitat for Lesser Prairie-chickens (tympanuchus Pallidicinctus)

Assessing the Ability of Conservation Reserve Program Lands to Provide Habitat for Lesser Prairie-chickens (tympanuchus Pallidicinctus)
Author: Tyrel Shane Woodward
Total Pages: 186
Release: 2014
Genre: Lesser prairie chicken

Habitat loss is the single greatest factor leading to the continued decline of lesser prairie-chicken populations. The overall rage of lesser prairie-chickens has decreased by more than 92% since the 1800's, leading to a 98% overall population loss. The species was recently listed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Much of the habitat degradation can be attributed to habitat loss and fragmentation by anthropogenic activities. Our study utilized rangeland sampling techniques to measure the benefits of habitat provisions within Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands. We employed modified daubenmire method, line intercept method, and Robel pole sampling techniques on 124 transects over 31 fields in southeast Colorado and southwest Kansas. Our data indicated CRP fields within both states fell far short of meeting recommended guidelines for lesser prairie-chicken nesting and brood rearing habitat. When comparing the two states it became apparent that fields within Kansas contained significantly greater communities of bunch grasses, and had greater diversity than those in Colorado. Both states met the minimum percent cover of grass for nesting habitat (>20%). However, only grasses within Kansas (75%) were within the minimum suggested percent of bunch grasses (>65%). When comparing data between counties once again we found that Morton County within Kansas had greater potential than any county sampled within Colorado. Both Mordon (22.31 % ± 1.41, 20,2777 ± 3,578.91 plants/ha) county and Baca (29.76% ± 2.16, 33,750 ± 9815.71 plants/ha) county had increased cover and density of bunch grasses. Morton county boasted the greatest species diversity. In conclusion we found that both forbs and shrubs are greatly under-represented on CRP fields. The differences measured are largely reflective of species composition. We do believe there is still a potential for privately owned lands to offset habitat degradation through CRP. We would encourage that future CRP implementation consider a greater forb presence in seed mixes as well as a thorough investigation into the effectiveness of mid-contract management. Both of these practices may be valuable in increased species diversity, and encouraging the growth of beneficial species which will be of value to local lesser prairie-chicken populations.

Vegetation Characteristics and Lesser Prairie Chicken Responses to Land Cover Types and Grazing Management in Western Kansas

Vegetation Characteristics and Lesser Prairie Chicken Responses to Land Cover Types and Grazing Management in Western Kansas
Author: John Daniel Kraft
Total Pages:
Release: 2016

In the southern Great Plains, the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus; hereafter LEPC), an obligate grassland species, has experienced significant population declines and range contractions with subsequent conservation concern. Management actions often use land cover types to make inference about habitat quality. Relatively little information is available related to grazed rangelands to guide conservation. The influences of land cover types and livestock grazing on LEPC habitat selection have not been researched extensively in western Kansas. I evaluated the influence of land cover types and grazing management on vegetation characteristics, habitat selection, and nest/adult survival of LEPC in western Kansas. Females were captured and radio-marked to monitor habitat use, nest success, and adult survival. Grazing and vegetation data were collected via producer correspondence and vegetation surveys, respectively. Vegetation composition and structure differed across land cover types, which can be used to make inferences about LEPC habitat quality. Habitat selection analyses corroborated the importance of breeding habitat in close proximity to leks (3 km) and identified land cover types selected for nesting (Conservation Reserve Program, Limy Upland, Saline Subirrigated) and brooding (Conservation Reserve Program, Red Clay Prairie, Sands, Sandy Lowland). Conservation Reserve Program patches positioned near rangelands contributed to LEPC reproductive success in northwest Kansas. In grazed lands, LEPC selected habitat close to leks (3 km) and large pastures (400 ha), exhibiting low-moderate stocking densities (

The North American Grouse: Their Biology and Behavior

The North American Grouse: Their Biology and Behavior
Author: Paul Johnsgard
Total Pages: 177
Release: 2016
Genre: Nature
ISBN: 1609620879

The ten currently recognized species of grouse in North America have played an important role in America's history, from the famous but ill-fated heath hen, a primary source of meat for the earliest New England immigrants, to the ruffed grouse, currently one of the most abundant and soughtafter upland game birds in more than 40 states and provinces. This book summarizes the ecology, reproductive biology, and social behavior of all ten of the extant North American grouse species. It also describes the current status of grouse populations, some of which are perilously close to extinction. The social behavior of grouse is of special biological interest because among these ten species there is a complete mating system spectrum, from seasonally monogamous pair-bonding to highly promiscuous mating patterns. The latter group illustrates the strong structural and behavioral effects of sexual selection resulting from nonmonogamous mating. These influences reach a peak in the development by some grouse species of engaging in mating "leks," arena-like competitions performed by males while attempting to attract fertile females, and also provide opportunities for females to select optimum mating partners. These sexual competitions also promote strong differences evolving in sexual signaling behaviors ("displays") among closely related species. Nevertheless, a relatively high incidence of mating errors and resulting hybridization often occurs in spite of these marked behavioral differences. In addition to a text of 101,000 words, the book includes 16 range maps, 37 line drawings, and 38 photographs by the author, as well as nearly 1,400 literature citations.

Regional Variation in Demography, Distribution, Foraging, and Strategic Conservation of Lesser Prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado

Regional Variation in Demography, Distribution, Foraging, and Strategic Conservation of Lesser Prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado
Author: Daniel S. Sullins
Total Pages:
Release: 2017

The lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) is 1 of 3 prairie-grouse species in North America. Prairie-grouse have undergone local or widespread declines due to a loss of habitat through conversion to row crop agriculture, anthropogenic development, and alteration of ecological drivers that maintain quality grasslands. For lesser prairie-chickens, habitat loss and declines were deemed significant for listing as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 2014. Despite a judge vacating the listing decision in 2015, the lesser prairie-chicken remains a species of concern. Conservation plans are currently being implemented and developed. To maximize the effectiveness of efforts, knowledge of the distribution of lesser prairie-chickens, regional demography, foods used during critical life-stages, and where to prioritize management is needed. To guide future conservation efforts with empirical evidence, I captured, marked with transmitters, and monitored female lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado during 2013-2016 (n =307). I used location data to predict the distribution of habitat. Encounter data from individuals were used to estimate vital rates and integrated into a matrix population model to estimate population growth rates ([lambda]). The matrix model was then decomposed to identify life-stages that exert the greatest influence on [lambda] and vital rate contributions to differences in [lambda] among sites. After assessing demography, I examined the diet of adults and chicks during critical brood rearing and winter periods using a fecal DNA metabarcoding approach. Overall, potential habitat appears to compromise ~30% of the presumed lesser prairie-chicken range in Kansas with most habitat in the Mixed-Grass Prairie Ecoregion. Within occupied sites, populations were most sensitive to factors during the first year of life (chick and juvenile survival), however, the persistence of populations through drought may rely on adult survival. Among regional populations, breeding season, nest, and nonbreeding season survival rates contributed most to differences in [lambda] among sites, breeding season survival contributed to differences in [lambda] among more and less fragmented sites. During critical life-stages, diets were comprised of arthropod and plant foods. Among 80 readable fecal samples, 35% of the sequences were likely from Lepidoptera, 26% from Orthoptera, 14% from Araneae, and 13% from Hemiptera. Plant sequences from 137 fecal samples were comprised of genera similar to Ambrosia (27%) Latuca or Taraxacum (10%), Medicago (6%), and Triticum (5%). Among cover types, lesser prairie-chickens using native grasslands consumed a greater diversity of foods. Last, promising conservation options include the conversion of cropland to grassland through the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and tree removal in mixed-grass prairie landscapes. Lesser prairie-chickens mostly used CRP during nesting and the nonbreeding season, during drier periods, and in drier portions of their distribution. Strategic CRP sign-up and tree removal could recover>60,000 ha and~100,000 ha of habitat respectively. In summary, conservation that targets management in areas within broad scale habitat constraints predicted will be most beneficial. In areas occupied by lesser prairie-chickens, management that increases brood survival in large grasslands having optimal nesting structure will elicit the strongest influence on population growth and will likely be the most resilient to stochastic drought-related effects.

Assessment of Lesser Prairie-chicken Translocation Through Survival, Space Use, and Resource Selection

Assessment of Lesser Prairie-chicken Translocation Through Survival, Space Use, and Resource Selection
Author: Elisabeth Caroline Teige
Total Pages:
Release: 2021

Translocation is defined as the deliberate movement of organisms from one site to another where the main objective is a conservation benefit. Translocations are used frequently as a management tool to restore or augment wildlife populations but generally have varying degrees of success. The lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) is found in the southwestern Great Plains of the United States and currently occurs in four distinct ecoregions (Short-Grass Prairie/CRP Mosaic, Mixed-Grass Prairie, Sand Sagebrush Prairie, and Sand Shinnery Oak Prairie) across five states (Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico, USA). Recent estimates suggest the lesser prairie-chicken currently occupies only 15% of their estimated historical range. Within the current occupied range, lesser prairie-chicken populations have been experiencing moderate to severe population declines. Since a contemporary peak of an estimated 150,000 birds in the mid-1980s, lesser prairie-chicken populations have declined to an estimated abundance of 34,408 in 2020. The largest contemporary decline in population abundance and occupied range is occurring in the Sand Sagebrush Prairie Ecoregion. Historically, the Sand Sagebrush Prairie Ecoregion was the epicenter of the lesser prairie-chicken population despite a large area of vegetation in the ecoregion being decimated during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. In 2020, only 171 birds were estimated for the ecoregion. In response to the extreme population decline and elevated extinction risk for the lesser prairie-chicken population in the Sand Sagebrush Prairie Ecoregion, myself, along with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and U.S. Forest Service translocated lesser prairie-chickens from the Short-Grass Prairie/CRP Mosaic Ecoregion in northwest Kansas, where lesser prairie-chickens are currently most abundant, to release sites in sand sagebrush prairie landscapes on the U.S. Forest Service, Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands in southwestern Kansas and southeastern Colorado, respectively. I captured, marked, translocated, and monitored 411 lesser prairie chickens during spring 2016-2019 to understand how translocation affects demographic rates, space use, and habitat selection for assessing translocation as a conservation tool for this declining prairie-grouse. My objectives were to estimate lek counts, nest success, reproductive success, adult survival, home range establishment and land cover composition, and selection of habitat vegetation characteristics at local and broad scales to assess lesser prairie-chickens response to translocation in a novel landscape. Within two weeks of release, 22.8% of birds either died or were never located. I used known-fate and nest survival models in Program MARK to determine adult survival and nest success of lesser prairie-chickens. I estimated breeding season survival for both males and females to be 0.44 ± 0.02 (SE) and nest success as 0.37 ± 0.04 (SE) but with a declining trend for the entire study period (2017-2020). Overall, vital rates were average to low and male high counts on established lek started to decline in 2021, two years following active translocation. Habitat availability in a novel environment may become an increasing concern as translocated lesser prairie-chickens have consistently larger home ranges than their native counterparts. Home ranges of translocated birds was comprised of greater area of Conservation Reserve Program land than any other cover type on the landscape. Lastly, on a local scale (300 m), I found little selection for vegetation at used locations, but lesser prairie-chickens used thicker and taller cover for nest sites. This vegetation use was expected and conveys the importance of the vegetation structure needed at a translocation release site. My results highlight the importance of land management conservation and its role in the conservation of lesser prairie-chicken populations. The translocation may have some short-term success but current vital rates of lesser prairie chickens may not be enough to overcome inherent limiting factors of the ecoregion for the population to become self-sustaining and the translocation to be deemed a long-term success.

A Demographic Analysis of Lesser Prairie-chicken Populations in Southwestern Kansas

A Demographic Analysis of Lesser Prairie-chicken Populations in Southwestern Kansas
Author: Christian Andrew Hagen
Total Pages: 226
Release: 2003
Genre: Birds

Lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) habitat and populations have been reduced range-wide by more than 90% since the turn of [the] 20th Century. Population indices in Kansas reflected the range-wide trends. The rate of habitat loss slowed considerably starting in the 1980s, but populations have continued to decline in the state. To aid in the conservation of this "warranted but precluded" threatened species, more information is needed on the basic and applied population ecology of this prairie grouse. The present research was initiated to collect field data for 3-years and synthesize 6-years of data from Federal Aid projects in southwestern Kansas.

A Historical Record of Land Cover Change of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken Range in Kansas

A Historical Record of Land Cover Change of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken Range in Kansas
Author: David A. Spencer
Total Pages:
Release: 2014

The Lesser Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) is a prairie grouse of conservation concern in the Southern Great Plains. In response to declining population numbers and ongoing threats to its habitat, the Lesser Prairie-Chicken was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in May 2014. In western Kansas, the Lesser Prairie-Chicken occupies the Sand Sagebrush Prairie, Mixed-grass Prairie, and Short-grass/CRP Mosaic Ecoregions. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the overall range and population has declined by 92% and 97% respectively. Much of this decline is attributed to the loss and fragmentation of native grasslands throughout the Lesser Prairie-Chicken range. Whereas much of the loss and degradation of native grassland have been attributed to anthropogenic activities such as conversion of grassland to cropland and energy exploration, federal legislation since the 1980s to convert cropland on highly erodible soils to perennial grasses through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) may curtail or reverse these trends. My objective was to document changes in the areal extent and connectivity of grasslands in the identified Lesser Prairie-Chicken range in Kansas from the 1950s to 2013 using remotely sensed data. I hypothesized that the total amount of grassland decreased between the 1950's and 2013 because of an increase in agricultural practices, but predicted an increase of grassland between 1985 and 2013 in response to the CRP. To document changes in grassland, land cover maps were generated through spectral classification of LANDSAT images and visual analysis of aerial photographs from the Army Map Service and USDA Farm Service Agency. Landscape composition and configuration were assessed using FRAGSTATS to compute a variety of landscape metrics measuring changes in the amount of grassland present as well as changes in the size and configuration of grassland patches. Since 1985, the amount of grassland in the Lesser Prairie-Chicken range in Kansas has increased by 210,9963.3 ha, a rise of 11.9%, while the mean patch size and area-weighted mean patch size of grassland increased 18.2% and 23.0% respectively, indicating grassland has become more connected during this time in response to the CRP. Prior to the implementation of CRP, the amount of grassland had been decreasing since 1950, as 66,722.0 ha of grassland was converted to croplands. The loss of grassland had a considerable effect on the patch size of grasslands, as mean patch size and area-weighted mean patch size decreased by 8.8% and 11.1% respectively. The primary driver of grassland loss between 1950 and 1985 was the emergence of center pivot irrigation, which had its greatest impact in western and southwestern parts of the range in Kansas. In particular, while the amount of grassland in Range 5, a region of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken range found in southwest Kansas, has increased overall since the 1950s by 4.7%, the area-weighted mean patch size has decreased by 53.0% in response to center pivot irrigation fragmenting the landscape. While the CRP has been successful in increasing and connecting grassland throughout the Lesser Prairie-Chicken range to offset the loss of grassland since the 1950s, continuation of the CRP faces an uncertain future in the face of rising commodity prices, energy development, and reduction in program scope leaving open the possibility that these areas that have created habitat for Lesser Prairie-Chickens could be lost. As time progresses, a reduction in the scope of the CRP would reduce the amount of habitat available to Lesser Prairie-Chickens, threatening the persistence of their population.