300 Push-Ups a Day 30 Day Challenge: Bigger Chest, More Strength, Tone Up, Lose Weight and Increase Your Push Up Rep Count With This at Home Workout,

300 Push-Ups a Day 30 Day Challenge: Bigger Chest, More Strength, Tone Up, Lose Weight and Increase Your Push Up Rep Count With This at Home Workout,
Author: Cody Smith
Total Pages: 54
Release: 2021-03-23
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 9781952381089

You've lost your workout motivation. You've hit a plateau. Or maybe you're just looking for your next challenge. The 300 push-ups a day 30-day challenge has what you're looking for. Whether you can currently manage 5 push-ups or over 50, there is a place for you in this program. What you can expect: the program to be tough but manageable to stack on muscle in your chest, shoulders, and triceps to bust through any plateau to hit your new bench max to see progress in other areas of your physical physique/ability your maximum consecutive push-up rep count to increase significantly a program to meet you exactly where you are with your current push-up max workouts that can be completed anywhere including in your home needing zero equipment: just your body, grit, and determination to feel transformed after just 30 days The 300 push-ups a day challenge is here to take your fitness to the next level if you're willing to accept the challenge. Don't wait to challenge yourself. Don't wait to feel ready. Start today and become ready. Your new you is just 30 days away. Accept the challenge. Buy Your Copy Now.

100 Pull-Ups a Day 30 Day Challenge: Gain Muscle, Massive Strength, and Increase Your Pull Up, Chin Up Rep Count Using This One Killer Exercise Progra

100 Pull-Ups a Day 30 Day Challenge: Gain Muscle, Massive Strength, and Increase Your Pull Up, Chin Up Rep Count Using This One Killer Exercise Progra
Author: Cody Smith
Total Pages: 54
Release: 2021-03-23
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 9781952381065

100 pull-ups a day... ...a challenge few are willing to accept. There is no greater bodyweight exercise than the pull-up to increase your strength and muscle gains. Dedicating an entire month and committing to 100 pull-ups a day will ensure you see the results you need. Over the next 30 days, you will have completed 3,000 pull-ups. More than most do in a lifetime. Even if you can barely do a couple of pull-ups, this 30-day program will guide you every step of the way. Don't wait to be ready. Don't wait to be stronger. Accept the challenge and become ready and stronger in the process. Grab your copy today.

Mastering the One Arm Push Up

Mastering the One Arm Push Up
Author: Grant Michaels
Publisher: Nordic Standard Publishing
Total Pages: 45
Release: 2012-11-14
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 1484194284

Push-ups can get boring rather quickly; however, as any trainer worth his salt will tell you, they are a necessity to any serious workout regimen. If you are looking for more of a challenge, you have probably already considered trying the one arm push-up. If that is the case then why stop there, why not go all the way and learn how to do all one arm push-ups? Grant Michaels's has developed an excellent workout guide titled Mastering the One Arm Push-Up. This book is designed to teach you how to do exactly that. You will get a list of one-arm push-up workouts that will not only present a very real challenge but will also increase the strength in your upper arms, shoulders, back, and chest. What Is to Be Gained from Knowing Multiple One Arm Push-Ups? The one arm push-up is definitely impressive. There is no doubt about that. Strong-men have been using this move for decades as a way of demonstrating their strength. However, what you probably do not know is that these exercises offer many more benefits than are gained by performing regular push-ups alone. This is definitely a resistance exercise, which means that your muscles will build strength by using the resistance of your own body. This exercise helps your. . . Abdominals, Core, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Legs, Hips, and Buttocks. Do One Arm Push-Ups Present Any Benefits Outside of Muscle Building? Body builders and strength trainers are not the only individuals who find the one arm push-up to be very influential on their body. If you are seeking balance exercises, this is one of the top ones to try and master. Yoga students use this as a common balancing stance. When you are performing this push-up, you are really working the muscles that are responsible for balance. Balance plays a huge role in what you are able to do. Just because you can bench 300 to 400 pounds does not mean you can do a one arm push-up. It definitely takes more of your own body to perform this exercise. You should also see a notice in Fat loss when trying to master this exercise. This is resistance training so it works to build your muscles and cuts down on fat. It is not as effective as cardio workouts for actual weight loss, but it does increase your metabolism. This in combination with a cardio workout will make a serious impact on your physique goals. Give Yourself a Challenge Worth Meeting The one arm push-up is incredibly impressive. When you master this exercise, you will have more control over your body than you probably ever had before. The difference in strength you will gain from this exercise opposed to weight training has far superior benefits. You will increase your core strength and also the surrounding arms and hips to thigh area. In doing all of this, you will align the muscles that need to work together to make your body function at a level higher than nearly everyone you will see in the gym everyday slaving away on machines that only make them bulkier but not stronger.

Pushup Central

Pushup Central
Author: Rahul Mookerjee
Publisher: 0 Excuses Fitness
Total Pages: 185
Genre: Health & Fitness

If you had to choose but ONE exercise, pushups would be it. The main goals of any training program are as follows (either all, or one of the following) - Supreme health and fitness from the inside out - as well as INNER vitality Core strength, and that ripped midsection everyone wants - along with the associated HEALTH benefits. A clear mind and an ability to focus like a horse with blinders on even the most DAUNTING of goals out there. Either fitness wise or life wise. WEIGHT LOSS - that bug bear we're ALL concerned about, hehe, and getting rid of the lard lumps. Building layer upon layer of FUNCTIONAL muscle (as opposed to the bloat you get at the gym). Increase stamina and a sense of calm and well being throughout the day. And those, my friend are just off the top of my head. Those are the major workout goals for most people, and the pushup will address all these concerns in a royal manner - and then some! Not to mention getting in a workout in the minimum amount of time - - with a minimum of space available. All you need is a floor and a wall - - and you're set! However, tell the average guy he can get a complete workout by doing nothing other than pushups alone - and he'll likely look at you as if you've gone off your rocker. This course should do MUCH, if not ALL to prevent this sort of silly notion from spreading any further than it has. Damage control I know, but an ocean is made up of DROPS, my friend, and enough damage control will ensure that people in general will (finally) start to get back into the sort of shape they were meant to be - as opposed to fat, lazy, slovenly creatures stuffing all sorts of junk down their gullet all day long. Pushups, my friend will turn you into the REAL MAN - or woman you were meant to be. You'll not only look and feel a lot better when adopting this exercise as the mainstay of your routine - but you'll also have a laser sharp MIND capable of accomplishing just about anything you put your mind to - be that in terms of LIFE - or workout. The immortal Bruce Lee did these all the time - - he was reputed to have done 400 one arm, 2 finger pushups -at a STRETCH! The benefits YOU can expect to get from this course A rock solid midsection and a core that looks like it's carved from STEEL. I don't care if you're a boxer, or martial artist, or just the everyday "blob", hehe (sorry, but sometimes one has to be honest) - - we could ALL use that sort of a midsection - - not to mention the six pack - - doncha think? If you've been suffering from IBS - or flatulence - or those annoying issues that make you "constantly have to go" - well - you might as well kiss them goodbye once you start on these exercises! Your entire abdominal region and lower back will become rock solid - and health issues will become a thing of the PAST. You'll build a massive upper body - shoulders and chest -not to mention slabs of MUSCLE all over back - especially the upper back - and this won't be the bloated "gym" muscle you see all over the place that looks good, but ain't got squat to back it up, hehe (pun intended!) Your legs will get the workout of their lives on some of these pushups - believe me now - and trust me LATER! You'll start to lose FAT - that unsightly blubber around your waist and midsection specifically within a FEW workouts. That's right - and this fat loss will be so RAPID you'll not only wonder where the love handles, muffin tops, bingo wings etc WENT - - but you'll be scratching your head in amazement at the sheer SPEED you'll lose weight at! Improved digestion is a given - not to mention an increased appetite. You'll be able to eat more, and still not turn into "Tubbo" i.e. no more unsightly lard anywhere on your frame! You'll be able to fit into clothes you haven't fit into for years. Friends and co-workers won't believe the rapid changes in you - and will ALL want to know the secret! .. And a LOT more! Jump on this NOW, my friend. Its THAT good!

Drop and Give Me 100! The Illustrated No...

Drop and Give Me 100! The Illustrated No...
Author: Grant Michaels
Publisher: Nordic Standard Publishing
Total Pages: 37
Release: 2012-11-15
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 1484194268

Get the Arm Strength and Endurance You Have Always Wanted The push-up is one of the most fundamental exercises in any workout. That is why many training programs such as the military and police force use it as a primary exercise for fitness testing. However, many people, most likely you also, try to avoid them as much as possible because of the strength and endurance that is required to perform just one. Within Grant Michaels's push-up book he will teach you how to achieve the goal of 100 push-ups in one exercise setting. He will start by teaching you how to perform a standard push-up correctly and slowly build you up by giving you exercises that will build your upper body strength. He will further this by taking the strength you are developing and then teaching you how to build up yourendurance. This will culminate in the finale of performing 100 push-ups in one set. Why Are Push-Ups an Essential Exercise? Push-ups may be one of the least fond exercises, but they are incredibly helpful to the human body. Most people only think that push-ups only serve the arms, but actually they help to increase the strength of your entire core. Performing push-ups correctly means helping each of the following additional body parts as well as your arms: Shoulders Push-ups affect the rotator cuff muscles, and when these muscles are in shape push-ups become easier and so do many other exercises. Pectorals or Chest Muscles Your chest muscles will get bigger as you are consistently moving the upper arms toward the center of your body. Upper Back Push-ups work the rotator cuff muscles which help to decrease back pain because an even pressure is being applied during exercise. Abdominals To keep your back flat during a push-up your abs should be contracted so this means you are also building these muscles when performing a correct push-up. Lower Back When you perform a push-up correctly, you are correcting bad posture in the process, and this will result in less back pain and a better stance and balance. How Does This Book Make Push-Ups a Simple Exercise? The beauty behind Michaels's book is that he does not take a newbie and throw them in the deep end. Instead, he gives you a four stage program that will help you build the body strength necessary to eventually perform 100 push-ups in one set. His routine will help you if... You are new to working out. Your upper body strength is lacking. You have a desire to become fit and healthy. You want endurance and body strength. What Kind of Results Should You Expect? Through repetition and alternating exercises, Michaels will get you to the finish line. You will not believe that just a few weeks prior to beginning this simple book just performing 1 push-up was intimidating to you - let alone 100. When you reach this goal, Michaels will work with you to further expand your core strength. You should finish this book fully confident on trying new exercises that will present a new challenge. BONUS BOOK! If you buy Drop and Give Me 100!! today, you are also entitled to a FREE BONUS copy of the bestselling report: Packing on the Muscle: Bodybuilding Manual This #1 selling ebook will show you how to achieve your fitness goals using a secret way of achieving your weight loss and fitness goals. Pick up your report today as this is available for a limited period only!

300 Dips a Day 30 Day Challenge: Workout Your Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps While Developing a Lean V-Shaped Upper Body With This Exercise Program

300 Dips a Day 30 Day Challenge: Workout Your Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps While Developing a Lean V-Shaped Upper Body With This Exercise Program
Author: Cody Smith
Total Pages: 54
Release: 2021-03-24
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 9781952381072

You've lost your workout motivation. You've hit a plateau. Or maybe you're just looking for your next challenge. The 300 dips a day 30-day challenge has what you're looking for. Whether you can currently manage 5 dips or over 50, there is a place for you in this program. What you can expect: the program to be tough but manageable to stack on muscle in your chest, shoulders, and triceps bust through any plateau to hit your new bench max to see progress in other areas of your physical physique/ability your maximum consecutive dip rep count to increase significantly a program to meet you exactly where you are with your current dip max workouts that can be completed anywhere you can find dip bars not needing a gym: just your body, dip bars, grit, and determination to feel transformed after just 30 days The 300 dips a day challenge is here to take your fitness to the next level if you're willing to accept the challenge. Don't wait to challenge yourself. Don't wait to feel ready. Start today and become ready. Your new you is just 30 days away. Accept the challenge. Buy Your Copy Now.

600 Push-ups 30 Variations

600 Push-ups 30 Variations
Author: Bob Weinstein
Publisher: Health Colonel Publishing
Total Pages: 83
Release: 2011-02-14
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 1935759108

“The best, most complete upper body exercise in the world is the push-up.†- Lt. Colonel Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret.Take your push-ups to a whole new level with thirty different types of push-ups from beginner to advanced. All 30 types of push-ups are clearly described and most are illustrated. Sculpt those arms, abs, chest and back with push-ups.You will find 5 and 10 week workout plans, push-ups for men and women, world records for push-ups, the history of push-ups and more.

Pushup Central – the TIPS!

Pushup Central – the TIPS!
Author: Rahul Mookerjee
Publisher: 0 Excuses Fitness
Total Pages: 134
Release: 2023-04-17
Genre: Health & Fitness

DISCLAIMER As with my other course Pushup Central, and every thing else I teach in all my businesses, products, books, courses, and manuals, be damn sure you’re in good physical health before attempting the exercises in this course. Now, these exercises will GET you into the best shape of your life if you aren’t already, but what I am saying is “don’t just jump from a perch on the sofa to Everest” – as I state in my other books, work up to everything. All in “dew” time as a person recently told me, so it works for life, fitness, everything else. Second, read these tips not in place of but WITH those in Pushup Central. The author is not a medical professional (although he has more and useful practical knowledge than most actual medical professional will let on beyond the facade of “repeated hospital visits” to fatten their wallets”), and he promises if you DO the thing, your abdomen will have the exact opposite impact. All puns aside, though I Was serious there – the advice in book does not take place of that dispensed by a qualified medical professional – contact your doctor or medical provider if you have any doubts, stop if you experience “actual” pain and so forth. I hate to have to say all this, but I do! With that said, onward. INTRODUCTION and why I wrote this book. Phew, that was a long intro wasn’t it – or disclaimer? So I’ll keep it short here – no pun intended, or I’ll TRY and keep it short. Basically, many of the same reasons I wrote Pushup Central I.e pushups being the mainstay of any serious fitness enthusiast’s routine, yet being roundly ignored by most folks, dispelling the “they’re too easy or too boring” B.S. you keep hearing about them (anyone that says that is an utter fool that hasn’t done ‘em right, or has no clue on how to) – how they “only build endurance” (WRONG! Ask Mike Tyson, Herschel Walker, Ken Shamrock and a host of other illuminaries for one, even better, DO ‘em yourself, and you’ll see!) – (and even if thats all they built, what most people need today is a dose of “Energizer Bunny” if you get my drift, what with all the “I’m always sick” (or tired) nonsense going on!) … … because pushups build every part of your body, and turn you into an IRON being, literally INDESTRUCTIBLE as a reader wrote in about Pushup Central. Because they build a core of steel, the grip of Cain and more you’ve always wanted, legs like pillars (yes) – they reduce fat, SMELT fat in record time I should say, yada, nada, schnada. And more, and either go to the benefits portion of this book or in Pushup Central and you’ll read more. I could literally wax lyrical all day on this! Point being though, the same two reasons why I (despite not liking them too much) do a lot of videos. Its nigh impossible to put all your knowledge in one book. Even if you write that book for years, you keep learning, the day you put out the book is the day you learn something new, and thats how it is, you NEVER stop learning. As I said in 0 Excuses Fitness, that is as close to true mastery as you can get, if you were to ask the great Bruce Lee that, he’d tell you the same thing too. And the same thing goes with non videos. Hence, an FAQ on pull-ups and handstand pushups … Hence, Gorilla Grip – TIPS! And hence this book. In it you’ll find ignored, forgotten but EXTREMELY valuable gems, nuggets of info that will add to what you learn in Pushup Central, and if used correctly, they will SKYROCKET your gains beyond belief. Perhaps thats why the benefits section in this book is longer than in Pushup Central. In the trenches learning is the best learning anyone can hope to receive from the school of HARD knocks or hard workouts. And thats the style I bring this to you in as with all my other writing. Dont just READ these tips and forget about ‘em. Don’t just implement them once and forget about ‘em. They deserve to be in your mind every time you knock out a pushup workout, or even a set, they’re that important, and you’ll soon see why once you start implementing. That said, onward! BENEFITS YOU’LL GET FROM NOT JUST READING, but IMPLEMENTING what is taught in this one of a kind course – or manual, what have you. I love that word manual! (and word to the WISE – these are all benefits you can get from Pushup Central, the EXTRA parts in PURPLE are the adds on you get HERE in addition to the above!!!) A rock solid midsection and a core that looks like it’s carved from STEEL. I don’t care if you’re a boxer, or martial artist, or just the everyday “blob”, hehe (sorry, but sometimes one has to be honest) – – we could ALL use that sort of a midsection – – not to mention the six pack – – doncha think? Your abs will literally HURT, smoulder and POP like never before when you implement the EXTRAS IN these tips! If you’ve been suffering fromIBS – or flatulence– or those annoying issues that make you “constantly have to go” – well – you might as well kiss them goodbye once you start on these exercises! Constipation? Whats that? The malady that affects almost everyone, including fitness gurus and such? Well, you’ll completely forget what the meaning of that word is, almost! Literally pushups with these magic tips work your entire core from the inside out like NOTHING ELSE AND NO OTHER exercise/workout can or WILL! Your entire abdominal region and lower back will become rock solid – and health issues will become a thing of the PAST. Not to mention your hamstrings, groin, everything will become way more powerful than it is right now, and more flexible. Implement the tips here in, you’ll literally get into “supreme martial artist” shape with persistence – as close to Bruce Lee as you can get! You’ll build a massive upper body – shoulders and chest -not to mention slabs of MUSCLE all over back – especially the upper back – and this won’t be the bloated “gym” muscle you see all over the place that looks good, but ain’t got squat to back it up, hehe (pun intended!) And you’ll do so while keeping the lean, mean and TONED look. STEEL AND WHALEBONE! Your legs will get the workout of their lives on some of these pushups – believe me now – and trust me LATER! You’ll start to lose FAT – that unsightly blubber around your waist and midsection specifically within a FEW workouts. That’s right – and this fat loss will be so RAPID you’ll not only wonder where the love handles, muffin tops, bingo wings etc WENT – – but you’ll be scratching your head in amazement at the sheer SPEED you’ll lose weight at! It won’t just be rapid, it might well be permanent, so well will you be “rewiring your body’s circuits” once you implement these tips! You’ll literally be huffing, puffing and blowing the dang house down! Improved digestion is a given – not to mention an increased appetite. You’ll be able to eat more, and still not turn into “Tubbo” i.e. no more unsightly lard anywhere on your frame! You’ll be able to fit into clothes you haven’t fit into for years. Friends and co-workers won’t believe the rapid changes in you – and will ALL want to know the secret – let ’em in on it if you so desire, hehe. Perhaps the best thing for the average Joe – you won’t have any excuses left NOT to workout any more, my friend. All you have to do is drop down and start on these pushups – and as for a space to workout – – well, we ALL have a floor and a few inches of space somewhere, don’t we?? Your forearms – and grip – will increase tremendously. “Carpal tunnel”, pain in the wrists etc will become a thing of the past very quickly indeed. MY! IF there was ONE reason I’d urge you to pay heed to these tips its that you’ll build a gorilla like grip x10 and CLAWS OF PURE STREAMING STEEL when you implement the tips right! You’ll feel relaxed throughout the entire day – and you’ll have an unshakeable, “laser like” confidence about you after just a few workouts – confidence that others will NOTICE (“Here cometh the MAN!”) – and confidence that will propel you – UNWAVERED – towards whatever goal you set for yourself! COMETH THE HOUR, COMETH the man, folks will say about you! LITERALLY – that is the confidence and vibe you’ll build with these tips and workouts! Increased success with the “opposite sex” is a by product of these workouts. I don’t know why, but pushups lend themselves to a sort of “confident demanor” that women (or men) will pick up on – a sort of feeling you CANNOT get from pounding weights galore at the gym. If you can handle your own body from all angles and directions- you can handle — ah, but I’ll stop there – but you get the picture, my friend! REAL functional strength that STAYS with you regardless of circumstance or situation. You’ll be able to carry your damsel up several flights of stairs WITHOUT being out of breath – and come “moving day”, you’ll be tossing sofas around like no-one’s business! And thus forth … Mental strength that CANNOT be beat. Believe me, once you start doing 100 plus – or 250 – or even the hallowed 500 – pushup number per workout – you’ll develop an unshakeable sense of mental strength which will allow you not just to achieve nigh any goal you set yourself – but also to overcome adversity – sometimes of the most harrowing kinds (and believe me, I’ve been there on this one! And much, much more my friend. The above is just the proverbial TIP of the iceberg … Who is this book for? For the every day Joe or Jane that wants to improve their strength and conditioning beyond any sort of belief, and quick at that. For bloated “tubbos” looking to lose the lard quick. If you’re looking to add that extra oomph to an already solid upper body routine, this book (manual) is for YOU. If you’re looking to build Tyson/Herschel Walker like ARMS – this book is for you (do what the greats did, you’ll be great too in your way – guaranteed – natural law of the Universe, friend). If you’re looking to build a REAL 12 pack from the inside out as opposed to the showy tosh at the beach so many guys exult in showing (and girls too). If you’re looking to build strength that never quits on ya, amps when you need it. If you’re looking to build trap power like no other combo of routines can or will build (those mountainous GORILLA Traps). If you’re an ace swimmer, elite martial artists, triatholoner – or Crossfitter looking to UP your game and take it to the next level. And lots of other categories not mentioned here! Get this NOW, my friend. It is indeed a MUST HAVE along with Pushup Central. Best Rahul Mookerjee

7 Weeks to 100 Push-Ups

7 Weeks to 100 Push-Ups
Author: Steve Speirs
Publisher: Ulysses Press
Total Pages: 146
Release: 2009-06
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 1569757070

A guide to push-ups and a training program to reach 100 push-ups in seven weeks. Includes programs and variations.

The Ultimate Home Guide to Push-Ups

The Ultimate Home Guide to Push-Ups
Author: Scott E. Burns
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Total Pages: 56
Release: 2016-05-28
ISBN: 9781533503459

Are you looking to be healthier? Do you want to perform a proper pushup? Are you looking to build up your muscles? Then this book is for you. This book will take you through performing your first pushup in proper stance, tips and tricks that will help you, and even pushup variations. Through thirty different variations, you'll learn that not only are pushups a full body workout, but they also help to make sure that you work out in different ways depending on the variation you chose. You can build up your balance, strength, and endurance with pushups alone. From doing sets, to circuit training, to goal sheets and milestones that will have you doing one hundred pushups in a set in only seven weeks, this book will help you to reach your fitness goals.